Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/365

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viii PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 349 Panel, 8 inches by n inches. Sale. Henry Doetsch, London, June 22, 1895, No. 387 pendant to No. 386 in catalogue. 325*-. Two Horsemen. Horses and a dog at a well. Panel, I2| inches by 14! inches. Sale. Burrell, London, June 12, 1897, No. 81. 325^. Two Horsemen. On the right a man in a buff coat and broad-brimmed hat sits on a grey horse in profile to the left. He turns from the spectator towards a peasant woman, who stands behind the horse to the left. In the centre foreground his companion kneels in profile to the left to tie his shoe. His horse, seen from the back, is held by a man on the left. Near him are a boy and a greyhound. Another dog lies in the right foreground. Behind the figures is a high wooded hill. Signed on the right at foot, "P. W." (?) ; canvas, 12 inches by 13 inches. Sale. J. L. Menke, Brussels, June I, 1904, No. 91. 326. TWO HORSEMEN HALTING. Two horsemen on a hill to the left, near a cracked and broken willow. One has dismounted and tied his grey, which stands in the centre foreground facing right, to a branch of the willow. The other man, with his back to the spectator, sits to the left on his brown horse. On the left a range of grassy hills recedes into the distance ; to the right is a broad plain. Signed on the right at foot with the monogram j panel, 14 inches by 1 6 inches. In the collection of Consul Harzoger, Amsterdam. Sales. W. Lowenfeld, of Munich, Berlin, February 6, 1906, No. 96. Jos. Monchen and others, Amsterdam, April 30, 1907, No. 200 (1550 florins). 327. Two Horsemen halting. Sm. 494. In the foreground of a picturesque landscape are two horsemen. One has dismounted to adjust his stirrups. The other converses with a traveller standing against a tree- trunk near an old shed, in front of which sits a woman with a child beside her. A dog and three fowls complete the group. Described by Sm. from an engraving by J. Visscher. 328. A LADY AND GENTLEMAN ON HORSEBACK. Sm. Suppl. 113. The landscape is intersected by a river crossed at a narrow part by a rustic bridge. To the left is a broken sandy hill with a clump of trees on the top, near which passes a road. Another road winds along the river-bank towards a cottage, beyond which are cornfields. A lady and gentleman ride along the road to the front followed by two dogs. A beggar approaches them from the left ; his wife with a child in her arms sits at the roadside. Very delicate in tone. "Painted in the artist's third manner, and of a clear pearly tone of colouring" (Sm.). Panel, i6 inches by I2|- inches. Mentioned by Waagen (ii. 109).