Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/368

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352 PHILIPS WOUWERMAN SECT. followed by a lady in yellow, from whom a boy is begging. Near them some men are bathing. The boy standing behind the towing-horse turns away his head and laughs roguishly at the lady's embarrassment. On the other side the road is lined with willows. Farther away are vessels near a village on the canal. [Possibly identical with 337 ?] Panel, 14 inches by 18 inches. Sale. Freiherr C. von Mergenbaum, Frank fort-on-Main, July 13, 1846, No. 176. 335. A Lady and Gentleman halting on the Road. In the foreground of a hilly landscape, a beggar receives an alms from a richly dressed lady in yellow on a grey horse. Near her is a brown horse j the rider has dismounted to couple two dogs. Farther away a woman runs with a child in her arms and another at her side. At the back is a hilly landscape with a river. Panel, 14 inches by 16 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, November 26, 1851, No. 20. 335*7. A Lady and Gentleman on Horseback at a Well. In the collection of Henry Labouchere, London, 1854 (Waagen, ii. 422). 335*. A Lady and Gentleman halting at a Fountain. They are watering their horses. A mounted groom waits for the order to start. Sale. Bertrand, Paris, November 13, 1855, No. 185. 336. A Lady and Gentleman halting on a Road. Sm. Suppl. 124. In a sandy landscape is a tree with scanty foliage to the left. A gentleman in a blue coat, brown breeches, and grey stockings, has just dismounted from his grey horse and leads it by the bridle ; he has thrown his red cloak on the horse's back. On the right, with her back to the spectator, a lady in pink silk sits on a chestnut horse with a white tail. In front of the man are two dogs. A peasant goes to the left carrying a bundle on a stick over his shoulder. A woman sits with a child in her arms, and another child lying near her. To the right, a man-servant comes down the road. Cloudy sky. " Painted in the artist's third manner" (Sm.). [Pendant to 677*7.] Panel, io inches by n inches. Sales. Amsterdam, July 17, 1775, No. I pendant to No. 2. G. Th. A. M. Baron van Brienen van de Grootelindt, Paris, May 8, 1865, No. 49 (25,000 francs) ; it was in his collection at Amster- dam, 1842 (Sm.). 336*7. A Lady on Horseback and a Cavalier with Dogs on a Road. Panel, 14^ inches by 12^ inches. Safe. Lucy Copeman and others, London, June 13, 1898, No. 59. 337. A LADY AND GENTLEMAN ON HORSEBACK.- Sm. 479. On the left is the bow of a boat with a man and boy on board. Near them are a man with a bag on his back, and in front, close to him, a