Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/371

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viii PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 355 348. THE COACH IN THE HILLS. To the right on a road round a hill comes a coach with four grey horses. On the same side, but higher up, two herdsmen are grazing their cattle on a plateau, near two trees with scanty foliage. To the left is a castle in the middle of the valley, under a grey sky. Signed on the right at foot with the monogram ; panel, 16 inches by 17 inches. Sale. C. Sedelmeyer, Paris, May 25, 1907, No. 214 (2150 francs). 349. THE FORD. In the left foreground is a shallow stream. A man in a red cloak on a grey horse rides through it, across patches of dry ground, away into the distance. To the right a woman comes wading through the water. To the right is a sandy road, with a leafless tree and a humble cottage at the side of it, farther back. In the centre are two anglers on the river-bank. These figures and the whole fore- ground are relieved as dark silhouettes against the sand-hill behind, which is brightly illumined by sunshine. To the left of it are bushes. To the right, a road winds round it ; on the road are a man on foot, a woman, and a dog. In the left distance is a broad landscape. There are fine thunder-clouds in the sky. Two fishing-boats are on the river in the left middle distance. Signed on the left at foot with the early monogram ; canvas, 22^- inches by 28^ inches. In the collection of Clement Duval, Paris. Sale. Thirion, Paris, June 10, 1907, No. 26. In the possession of the Paris dealer F. Kleinberger. In the collection of A. de Ridder, Cronberg, near Frankfort-on-Main. 350. THE WOODEN BRIDGE OVER THE WATER- FALL (or, Travellers ; a Woman wading through a Stream). To the left, on the edge of a waterfall, which a boy and a woman with a child on her back have just crossed, a waggon with four horses has halted. On the bridge over the stream are a countrywoman and a young man with two dogs. To the right, near a well, are travellers seated, a horseman and a horse. A woman on a mule and a peasant come down the road, up which a country- man is riding. In the distance is a cottage amidst trees. Signed with the full monogram ; canvas, 23 inches by 27 inches. In the Louvre, Paris, 1903 catalogue, No. 2622. 351. A WOMAN FORDING A STREAM. Sm. 335 and Suppl. 137 ; M. 7. In a hilly landscape, a wooden bridge crosses a stream which flows between rocks and forms several waterfalls. On the bridge is a peasant. Another man sits to the right on the edge of the bridge, with his feet dangling ; he looks down to where a woman with her child on her back has descended some steps in the rock and is about to ford the stream. A child and a dog follow her. To the right two anglers sit on the bank. In the distance is a stone bridge with two arches, protected by a round tower. In spite of the full monogram, this is a very early work. Signed on the right at foot with the full monogram j panel, 14 inches by 17 inches.