Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/404

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388 PHILIPS WOUWERMAN SECT. 454. At an Inn. A cavalier, and a boy holding his horse. Behind them is another cavalier near his horse. Panel, 14 inches by i8| inches. Sale. J. A. Brentano, Amsterdam, May 13, 1822, No. 374 (288 florins). 454*7. At a Country Inn. Travellers on horseback and others halt. A fine landscape. By Wouwerman or in his manner. [Pendant to 5080.] Panel, 8 inches by 10 inches. Sale. J. R. van Breuklerswaert, Amsterdam, May 10, 1824, No. 15.

454/>. Travellers halting at an Inn. Panel, 14^ inches by 20 inches. In the collection of Baron de Castell Bedernau. Sale. Baron de Castell, Hamburg, July 21, 1824, No. 154. 455. A Lady and Gentleman halting at an Inn. Sm. 301. A lady on a chestnut horse and a gentleman on a bay horse halt under an archway near an inn. A grey horse drinks out of a pail. To the left are three women. Panel, 15 inches by 13 inches. Sale. King Maximilian of Bavaria, Munich, December 5, 1826, No. 22, (1060 florins). 456. A Lady on Horseback and other Figures halting at an Inn. Sm. 300. A woman pours out a glass of liquor ; a horse feeds at a trough. Dark in tone. Panel, 13^ inches by 15^ inches. Sale. King Maximilian of Bavaria, Munich, December 5, 1826, No. 37 (1345 florins). 457. A Halt of Travellers and Sportsmen. Sm. 490. A hilly landscape with a rough broken road to the left. On the road, in front, are a cavalier in scarlet, who has dismounted from a grey piebald horse, and another cavalier who has dismounted from a bay. At the corner of a house, to the left, are a woman drawing water at a well, a cavalier on a brown horse, and the fat landlord saluting him. Between the two groups are a woman with two children on an ass, and a wooden-legged beggar asking an alms of her. Farther on the road are other figures. The country to the right is intersected by a river flowing towards high blue hills in the distance. " Admirably finished and remarkably clear and silvery in tone " (Sm.). Canvas, 23 inches by 26 inches. Exhibited at the British Institution, London, 1819. Sale. Duke of Bedford, London, June 30, 1827 (525, Noseda). In the collection of John Fairlie, London, 1829 (Sm.). Bought by Pennell from Chaplin, 1844 (for .850). 458. [Identical with 437.] 459. The Restive Horse. Sm. Suppl. 75. Near a lofty house, with a scaffolding at the top, are three cavaliers with their grooms and horses.