Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/417

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viii PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 401 front of it is a dog j behind it a third horse is feeding at ' a rack. In front are hens. In the left foreground, by the open entrance door, a woman with a child in her arms sits conversing with an ostler who carries a saddle. Through the doorway is open country with a cottage ; on the road are a man, a boy, and a dog. Signed on the left with the full monogram ; panel, 13 inches by 17 inches. Engraved by Moyreau, No. 79, as " L'Ecurie Flamande." Exhibited at Berlin, 1890, No. 329. A precisely similar but somewhat larger picture, measuring 16 inches by 19 inches, in the manner of Wouwerman was in the sale P. Locquet, Amsterdam, September 22, 1783, No. 453 (21 florins, Van der Schley). Possibly it was a copy and identical with the Pabst van Bingerden picture mentioned below. Sales. Denis, Paris, 1755. C. L. Reynders, Brussels, August 6, 1821 (900 florins). Smith, London, 1828 (136 : ios., bought in). In the possession of Sm., 1829. Sales. (Possibly) Baron van Pabst van Bingerden, The Hague, September 7, 1842, No. 47 (600) ; the dimensions, 1 6 inches by 17^ inches, are not quite the same but the description agrees precisely. D. van der Schrieck of Louvain, Brussels, April 8, 1861, No. 142 (4100 francs, Le Grel). In the collection of Carl von Hollitscher, Berlin, 1890. In the collection of the late Rodolphe Kann, Paris. In the possession of the Paris dealer C. Sedelmeyer, "Catalogue of 100 Paintings," 1900, No. 51. In the collection of J. Hage, Nivaa, near Copenhagen, 1908 catalogue, No. 71. 496. LEAVING THE INN -YARD FOR THE CHASE. Sm. 337 ; M. 35. In the centre of a spacious inn-yard is a man on a grey horse facing left ; to the right are two dogs and the innkeeper with a jug in his hand, facing the spectator. To the right a lady with hawk on wrist sits on a stallion, seen from the back in a three-quarter view to the right. Farther back is another horseman ; to the right of the lady are two horses at a rack, with a groom. A little boy holds a little girl's frock, playing coach and horses. To the left of them two hens are picking at the ground. On the left is the wide open doorway ; a horseman, facing the spectator, halts and holds up a glass of wine. To the left and nearer the front a page holds a saddled horse with its head turned away. Farther left, outside the stable, a horseman embraces a girl who draws water at a well. In front are two children at play, two dogs, and three hens. Panel, 14 inches by 19 inches. Engraved by Moyreau, No. 35, as " Le Vin de 1'Etrier." In the collection of the Prince de Carignan, 1738. In the Louvre, Paris, 1903 catalogue, No. 2624 (it was there in 1816 and valued at 12,000 francs). 497. INTERIOR OF A STABLE. Sm. 37 ; M. 34. In a spacious stable are six horses and ten figures. The nearest of these is a VOL. II 2 D