Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/426

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4 io PHILIPS WOUWERMAN SECT. Panel, 16 inches by 22 inches. In the Hermitage Palace, St. Petersburg, 1842 (Sm.), but no longer to be found there. 516. Interior of a Stable. Sm. 231. In the centre a fine grey horse with a red saddle is held by a groom. The rider kneels under its head to tie his shoe-string. Near him is a richly-dressed woman on a bay horse ; a beggar with a wooden leg approaches her. Near the group is a yellow hunting dog. Farther back are a bay horse and a grey at a rack ; near them are a cavalier in a red cloak and an ostler. Nearer the front a boy pushes a child in a wheelbarrow. Farther away are some hens. On the other side is a girl at a well. Two persons ride in at the open door. [Sm. compares it to 492]. Panel, i6 inches by 20 inches. Engraved by J. Mathieu, 1780, as " Poste pres d'Anvers," and described by Sm. from the print. Sales. E. J. de la Court van Valkenswaard, Dordrecht, April 12, 1847, No. 194 (1000 florins, Ouderwater). Earl of Shrewsbury, Alton Towers, July 6, 1857 (J. Smith). Sold by J. Smith in July 1862 to Thomas A. Poynder. 5160. A Stable. With a horseman and other accessories. Panel, 12 inches by 10 inches. Sale. P. J. and B. van der Muelen of Coblenz, Amsterdam, August 22, 1850, No. 86. 517. Interior of a Stable. Sm. 273 and Suppl. 102. Two entrances. A party have halted to bait. A cavalier in red has dismounted from a white horse held by a page, and kneels to tie a lady's shoe. His plumed hat lies on the ground, near a dog. A roan horse stands behind the lady ; beyond it two travellers ride into the stable. Behind the white horse a restive chestnut horse is held by a groom in a red cap ; a cavalier sits on a bay horse. A woman with a child in her arms stands at one side. Panel, 18 inches by 24^ inches. Mentioned by Waagen (ii. 296). Sales. Sir G. Page Turner, London, 1815 ( 14 : 95.). George Cholmondeley, London, 1831 (283 : ios.). In the collection of Wynn Ellis, London, 1854 (Waagen). 518. A Stable. Ten figures and twelve horses. The principal group consists of a cavalier on a grey horse and a groom adjusting his stirrups. Near these are three horses at a rack under a sloping roof. Farther right two persons hold two horses. In front a groom has just watered a horse which is feeding. On the left a cavalier has dismounted to converse with a man resting near an ass. Some dogs, hens, and cocks. Through the doorway in the middle distance is seen a hilly landscape. A rider comes behind a huntsman who blows his horn. Panel, 22^ inches by 30 inches. Sale. D. van der Schrieck of Louvain, Brussels, April 8, 1861, No. 147 (950 francs, Le Roy).