Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/440

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424 PHILIPS WOUWERMAN SECT. the water flows. Women and children stand round the fountain. Farther away in the left middle distance a gentleman takes a riding lesson, while another looks on. In the distance is a hilly landscape with a tower. Canvas, 30 inches by 38 inches. Mentioned by Ch. Blanc, Le Tr'esor de la Curiosite, i. 1 14-115. Engraved by Moyreau, No. 87, as " Partie de Chasse pour le Vol." Sale. Peilhon, Paris, May 16, 1763 (330 francs). 556. Departure of the Hawking Party. To the left is a fine building. In front of it are huntsmen with horses and dogs near a foun- tain. On a terrace are ladies and gentlemen. In the centre a horseman with a horn gives the signal for departure. Near him is a falconer with hawk on wrist. In the middle distance are another falconer and a mounted huntsman in a defile. In the distance is a fine hilly landscape. Canvas, 20 inches by 31 inches. Sale. F. I. de Dufresne, Amsterdam, August 22, 1770, No. 221. 557. Departure of the Hawking Party. In the centre fore- ground are ladies and gentlemen on horseback. To the right is a building with a flight of steps, down which come a lady and gentleman. Farther away are huntsmen with dogs. To the left are a falconer with a hawk and a gentleman on horseback. A hilly background. [Perhaps identical with 544.] Panel, i8 inches by 25^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, July 25, 1771, No. 5 (999 florins, Fouquet). 5570. Landscape with Two Persons going to the Hunt- One is on foot, the other on horseback. Signed " P.W." (?) ; canvas, 35 inches by 40 inches. Sale. The Hague, May 25, 1772, No. 230 (15 florins 15). 557^. Ladies and Gentlemen going Hawking. [Pendant to 7 o8,.J Canvas, 19 J inches by 23 inches. Sale. J. Domisse, Middelburg, March 31, 1773, No. 1 6. 558. Departure of a Hunting Party. Sm. no. An open land- scape with animals and figures. The chief group consists of three persons and a grey horse held by a groom. A lady, standing beside a cavalier, is about to mount. Panel, 16 inches by 20 inches. Sale. Le Brun, Paris, December 20, 1773 (2400 francs). 559. Starting for the Chase. In the right foreground is a mansion, in front of which, in shadow, are a poor woman seated on a stone with two children, and four horses. A cavalier coming down the steps greets a lady who gives an alms to a mendicant, and is about to mount a grey horse held by two grooms. In the centre are two horses ; in front of one of them is a huntsman with a dog. Farther back two huntsmen go off with