Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/465

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viii PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 449 In the middle distance are a large round tower and walls, with a range of hills beyond. A good picture, though the ultramarine blue is rather strident. Fine sky and landscape. Signed on the left at foot in the corner with the full monogram, that is no longer clear ; canvas, 40 inches by 73 inches. Mentioned by Ch. Blanc, Le Tresor de la Curiosite, i. 139, 194. Engraved by Daudet in the Choiseul Gallery, No. 74. Sales. Julienne, Paris, March 30, 1767 (16,700 francs, Boileau). Due de Choiseul, Paris, 1772 (20,700 francs, for the Empress of Russia). In the Hermitage Palace, St. Petersburg, 1901 catalogue, No. 1034 (valued by Sm. in 1842 at 1260). 629. A STAG HUNT. From the right two huntsmen and a lady on horseback come out of a wood at the moment when the stag and hind appear, pursued by the hounds. The stag has fallen and is surrounded by the pack. A huntsman on a black horse tries to spear the hind, which leaps over a tree- trunk. A man with a horn follows this huntsman. Farther away, a negro holds a dog. In the left foreground two hounds are crossing a stream to get at the stag. In the distance are hills. A very early picture, strong in colour. It is somewhat restless in effect, because the animals are rushing across past one another. Signed on the left at foot with the full monogram ; canvas, 24 inches by 21^ inches. Acquired by the Empress Catherine II. In the Hermitage Palace, St. Petersburg, 1901 catalogue, No. 1035. 630. THE STAG HUNT. Sm. 351 and M. 56. A stag and a hind, pursued by hounds, rush into a river, on the nearer side of which two mounted huntsmen with spears await them. A cavalier and lady, following the deer, are riding through the ford ; the lady on a grey horse looks alarmed as her companion falls into the water. Following them, a mounted huntsman rides cautiously into the river, with a groom running behind him. At the back is a hilly landscape with a castle on a rock, several country houses and other buildings. In the left foreground is a solitary tree. This is not a bad picture, but it is not wholly pleasing. Signed on the left at foot with the early monogram ; canvas, 21 inches by 27^ inches, with a piece about ij inches wide added at the foot. Engraved by Moyreau, No. 56, as " L'Accident du Chasseur," in 1747, and by Tischler, 1747, when in the Brtlhl collection. In the collection of Count Brtihl. In the Hermitage Palace, St. Petersburg, 1901 catalogue, No. 1036. 6300. A Stag Hunt. Sale. Johan van Marselis, Amsterdam, April 25, 1703 (Hoet, i. 69), No. 8 (108 florins). 630^. A Great Stag Hunt. At a river, with horses and figures. Sale. Isaak van der Blooken, Amsterdam, May II, 1707 (Hoet, i. 98), No. 5 (266 florins). VOL. II 2 G