Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/475

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vm PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 459 653. A HUNTING PARTY REPOSING. Sm. 448. Near a little stream with wooded banks some ladies and gentlemen are resting. A huntsman lying on the grass converses with a lady in blue who sits beside him j he leans on her lap. Another huntsman, standing up, offers fruit to a lady in black who sits before him. Farther left, a groom draws w,ater. In the centre three grooms watch a bay horse and a white horse, with hounds. In the right middle distance men on foot or on horseback cross a bridge ; farther back is a country house. In the distance is a broad wooded valley. A good picture of its kind. Signed on the right with the full monogram, save that the W is wanting, being cut oft" by a streak about -i-inch wide ; panel, 14 inches by 1 6 inches. Engraved by Niquet the elder in the Musee Franfais, and by Niquet the younger in Landon's Annales du Musee. Sale. Adriaan Bout, The Hague, August II, 1733 (Hoet, i. 393), No. 124 (270 florins). In the collection of Govert van Slingeland, The Hague, 1752 (Hoet, ii. 405). In the collection of the Stadtholder William V. (Terw. 719). In the Louvre, Paris, 1806-1815. In the Royal Picture Gallery, The Hague, 1907 catalogue, No. 221. 654. HUNTSMEN HALTING ON A HILL-TOP. Sm. 446. Huntsmen halt on a hill near a ruin and at the foot of a tree. One has dismounted from his grey horse, and converses with a huntsman on a chestnut. On the right is a man, seen from the back, with a gun hung over his shoulder, and a whip in his hand. In the centre foreground a negro loosens a dog's collar ; in the right foreground are five hounds. A fine picture of the early period ; well drawn, fresh in colour and light in tone. It is incomprehensible that former critics should have questioned its authenticity, and ascribed it to a follower like Van Falens. [Cf. 370.] Signed on the left on a tree-trunk with the early monogram j panel, 14 inches by 17^ inches. Engraved by H. J. Guttenberg in the Musee Franfais ; and by Chataigner in the Musee Napo/eoti, No. 352. In the collection of the Stadtholder Johan Willem Friso. In the collection at the Royal palace of Loo. In the collection of the Stadtholder William V. (Terw. 720). In the Louvre, Paris, till 1815. In the Royal Picture Gallery, The Hague, 1907 catalogue, No. 222. 6540. Halt at the Chase. A horseman with a dog in a leash and a lady with hawk on wrist, also mounted, halt at a fountain. Possibly a copy or the work of Pieter Wouwerman. Signed with the full monogram which seems to be a forgery ; panel, 14 inches by 16 inches. In the collection of Alexandre Leleux, Lille, bequeathed to the Museum, 1873. In the Lille Museum, 1893 catalogue, No. 906. 655. A HAWKING PARTY HALTING. An early work. In the collection of William Asch, London.