Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/489

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vni PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 473 696. Huntsmen reposing. i6| inches by 13 inches. Sales. T. Scarisbrick, London, May 1861 (102 : i8s., Pearce). T. Howard, London, 1873 (199 : ios., Sedelmeyer). 697. A Hawking Party resting. [Possibly identical with 292.] Engraved. Sale. T. Norris, London, 1873 (525, Nieuwenhuys). 6gjaa. Halt at the Chase. Mentioned by Paul Eudel, U Hotel Drouot en 1881, p. 127. Sale. Fra^ois Nieuwenhuys, Paris, April 28, 1881. 697^. Huntsmen reposing. Mentioned by Paul Eudel, U Hotel Drouot en 1 88 1, p. 255, and there said to be described by Sm. Sale. Christophe van Loo of Ghent, Paris, May 25, 1882 (10,000 francs). 6<)jcc. Huntsmen halting. Near a little wooded hill. One man holds his horse by the bridle. Two others gallop forward. On the left, a shepherd sits beside a little stream. In the distance is a broad landscape with hills on the horizon. The sky is covered with clouds. Canvas, 16 inches by 23 inches. Mentioned by Paul Eudel, V Hotel Drouot en 1883, p. 144, and UHotel Drouot en 1885-86, p. 438. In the Van Kuyk collection. Sales. Baron de Beurnonville, Paris, May 9, 1881, No. 559. Amedee Gautray, Paris, February 23, 1883 (3100 francs). Laurent Eichard, Paris, May 28, 1886 (4100 francs, Fould). 697^. Halt at the Chase. A hunting party, all but one of whom have dismounted, are resting near ruins on high ground to the right. In the centre a cavalier embraces a lady. A man-servant brings water from a fountain on the left. In front lies a dead roe. 14 inches by 20 inches. Sale. Sierstorpff of Driburg, Berlin, April 19, 1887, No. 100. 697*7. Halt of a Hawking Party. In the foreground of a hilly landscape halt two horsemen, one of whom has a lady behind him. Near them are hounds and a man carrying hawks. In the distance are horse- men and men on foot. Panel, 9^ inches by i8| inches. Sale. Von Anrep Elmpt, Cologne, June 5, 1893, No. no. 697^. A Hunting Party halting at an Inn. 20 inches by 18^ inches. Sale. Charles Booth, London, March 13, 1897, No. 73. 698. A HALT OF SPORTSMEN AT A COUNTRY INN. Sm. 488. A lady in scarlet, with a little dog, rides a grey horse. Near her are a cavalier on a dark-grey horse and another on a bay horse. A boy