Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/491

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vin PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 475 699^. A Hunting Party at a Fountain. Panel, 14 inches by 22 inches. Sale. Mrs. Hirsch and others, London, May 24, 1902, No. 24. 699^. A Hunting Party halting in a Wood. Panel, 15^ inches by i8 inches. Sale. C. Bowyer and others, London, February 17, 1906, No 73. 699*. A Hunting Party resting at a Fountain. 23 inches by 30 inches. Sale. London, March 21, 1906, No. 34. 700. A HALT AT THE CHASE. In a hilly landscape, a hunting party is resting. A lady in blue, who has dismounted and seated herself at the roadside, converses with a falconer in red who stands some- what behind her to the right. To the left behind her is another lady in chestnut-brown ; she sits on horseback facing the spectator, and converses with a lady in grey, seen from the back. In front of this lady, a grey horse stands in profile to the right, drinking from a pail. Its rider has dismounted and stands behind it, almost concealed by the horse. The road ascends as it goes away. In dark relief against the sky are a mounted falconer, a stone pedestal with a vase of flowers and, farther right, an arcade between two pillars covered with creepers. In the right foreground a boy tends a hound. On the left is a view down into a valley. Canvas, 25 inches by 31^ inches. Sales. Schonlank, Cologne, April 28, 1896, No. 210 (3950 marks). C. Sedelmeyer, Paris, May 25, 1907, No. 211 (3300 francs). 7000. A Hunting Party. Four horsemen halt on a road in the centre foreground. The two to the right of the group have dismounted. One of them stands conversing with the two riders to the left, one of whom is on a grey horse seen from the back, while the other, on a dark horse, faces the spectator. The other dismounted man kneels in front of his horse, which is held, almost in right profile, by a boy. A dog stands to the right of him. Behind the group is a fine tree, to the left of which is an old farmhouse with a rick under cover near a tree on the extreme left. In the middle distance, under the big tree, a horseman and a man on foot come along the road. To the right is a river, on which is a boat. Beyond the river a horse is seen on a hill against the sky j to the right of it are a withered tree and beyond it a windmill. Panel, 17^ inches by 23! inches. Sale. London, July 3, 1908 (105, Vicars). 701. RETURNING FROM THE CHASE. Sm. 429 and Suppl. 205. In the left middle distance is a river with a bridge ; along the bank runs a road, on which a hunting party rides from right to left on its way homeward. The chief group is on the right, where the bank is somewhat higher, and there are a few trees. It consists of five horsemen ; one is on a grey horse ; another to the left of him carries a hawk on his wrist. Others ride in front with the game. A horse carries a dead stag.