Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/493

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vin PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 477 In the Fonspertuis collection, Paris, 1737. Sales, Angran de Fonspertuis, Paris, March 4, 1748 (3300 francs, with pendant, Laurent for the Due d'Orleans, according to Sm.). Pasquier, Paris, March 10, 1755 (4036 francs, with pendant, Remy, for the Polish Court). Said to be mentioned in Guarienti's Dresden inventory (before 1753), No. 1650 according to the Dresden catalogue. In the Royal Picture Gallery, Dresden, 1905 catalogue, No. 1439. 705. RETURNING FROM THE CHASE. In the centre is a group of horses, whose riders have dismounted. Among them is a lady on horseback ; a negro holds a parasol over her. To the left, under a tree near a country house, a meal is being prepared. In the foreground are some wild-fowl. Numerous figures. A picture of the late period ; somewhat overloaded in composition. [Compare 708 and 714.] Signed with the full monogram ; panel, 19 inches by 25 inches. Engraved by Moyreau and Dequevauviller. The statement in the Dulwich catalogue, that this picture came from the Orleans collection, is at variance with that of Sm., who identifies the Orleans picture with 714. In the Dulwich College Gallery, London, 1892 catalogue, No. 91. 706. RETURN FROM THE CHASE. Sm. 306. In the foreground of a broad hilly landscape, with the garden-wall of a large country house to the left, a hunting party is welcomed on its return. On the left, a lady with a child in her arms comes behind another lady from the house. A huntsman, dismounted, greets her and shows her a hare ; a page holds his horse behind him to the right Farther right a cavalier helps a lady to dismount from a roan horse. Behind her a huntsman feeds some hounds, while another man cuts up a dead stag. Near him, a man takes some game from the back of a mule. To the right of him a page holds a piebald horse in profile to the left. On the extreme right is a blind man, led by a dog. Behind him in the middle distance are other huntsmen, grooms with hounds, and a coach with four grey horses. Huntsmen water their horses at a fountain surmounted with an equestrian figure. " This capital picture is painted in the artist's grey or silvery manner " (Sm.). [Pendant to 538.] Signed on the left at foot with the full monogram ; canvas, 29 inches by 41 inches. Mentioned by Kugler, and by Waagen (ii. 274). Exhibited at the British Institution, London, 1828, 1844, 1855 ; by the Birmingham Society, 1831 ; and at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1887, No. 79, and 1908, No. 55. Sale. Proley, Paris, 1787 (14,500 francs). Probably in the Royal Palace, Madrid, 1789. Captured in the French baggage after the battle ot Vittoria, 1813, by the Duke of Wellington. In the collection of the Duke of Wellington, Apsley House, London, 1901 catalogue, No. 86 (Sm. valued it in 1829 at ^840). 706^. Returning Home from the Chase. Four figures and three horses. Its authenticity is uncertain.