Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/506

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490 PHILIPS WOUWERMAN SECT. 745. A FIGHT BETWEEN CAVALRY AND INFANTRY NEAR A BURNING MILL. Sm. 345 and under 336 ; M. 48. On a low hill in the centre of the middle distance, the mill and the miller's house are in flames. On the right a bridge crosses a stream flowing to the left. In the foreground is a cavalry fight. In the centre a man on a rearing piebald horse cuts at an enemy who is falling to the left ; another man fires his pistol at the swordsman from the back. In the left fore- ground is a runaway horse ; on the right infantry advance firing against the cavalry. [Compare 759.] Signed on the left at foot with the full monogram ; canvas, 2i inches by 26^ inches. Engraved by Moyreau, No. 65, as " L'Embraseraent du Moulin," in the Crozat collection. Mentioned by Ch. Blanc, Le Tresor de la Curiosite, i. 64. Sale. De Tugny et Crozat, Paris, June 1751 (1656 francs, Stoltz) ; but, according to the Dresden catalogue, it was acquired by Le Leu in 1749 f rom tn e Crozat collection. The similar St. Petersburg picture (759) also came from this collection. In the Royal Picture Gallery, Dresden, 1905 catalogue, No. 1463. 746. A FIELD OF BATTLE. Sm. 2 and Suppl. 2. A squadron of cavalry, charging from the right, attacks a force of infantry stationed on the left before a bridge with a single arch. In the centre an officer, dressed in red with a brown fur-trimmed cap and riding a grey horse, fires his pistol. Near him a cuirassier falls mortally wounded from his bay horse. On the right the cavalry charge in two lines, firing their pistols and riding down men and horses. On the wing a trumpeter gallops sounding the charge. On the left the infantry defend themselves with their muskets. An officer with lance and sword makes ready to receive the enemy ; another tries to drive back two cowards to the ranks. The ensign waves his banner, having a blue central strip on a white ground. On the bridge, where artillery is posted, trumpeters sound the charge for a detachment of cavalry, who come from the left to support the infantry. In the right distance several squadrons of cavalry are charging each other. In the distance are hills. This is one of the most compre- hensive of the master's works, but not one of the most attractive. " A superlative production " (Sm.). Signed on the right at foot with the full monogram j canvas, 50^ inches by 98 inches. Sale. Benjamin da Costa, The Hague, August 13, 1764 (Terw. 379), No. 79 (4575 florins, according to Terw. ; in the MS. catalogue of the collection of William V., the sum of 8000 florins is pencilled against it, but this may be the estimated value and not the sale price). It had been in the Costa collection in 1752 (Hoet, ii. 468). In the collection of the Stadtholder William V. (Terw. 718), 1763 inventory, supplement, No. 192. In the Royal Picture Gallery, The Hague, 1907 catalogue, No. 219. 747. A BATTLE: CAVALRY AND INFANTRY. Sm. 49 i.