Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/510

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494 PHILIPS WOUWERMAN SECT. Sale. H. Bingham Mildmay, London, June 24, 1893, No. 88. In the possession of the Paris dealer Ch. Sedelraeyer, "Catalogue of 100 Paintings," 1894, No. 54. In the collection of John W. Gates, New York. 757. A CAVALRY ENCOUNTER. Sm. 40 and Suppl. 17. A fort is defended by infantry and cavalry with cannon. In the right foreground is a group of six horsemen. One man, on a prancing grey horse, cuts at his enemy, who, bestriding his fallen horse, turns round to fire his carbine. To the left an ensign on a roan horse and a soldier on a grey defend themselves against infantry. Several corpses lie under their feet. A wounded man escapes through a pool of water. On the left a soldier on a bay horse defends himself with the butt-end of his pistol against a pikeman. "This very excellent picture is painted in the artist's second manner " (Sm.). It is restless in composition and colour- ing, but otherwise it is not bad, so far as one can see it from the floor. Signed on the left with the full monogram ; canvas, 39 inches by 54 inches. Mentioned by Ch. Blanc, Le Trhor de la Curiosite, i. 102. Sales. De Selle, Paris, February 19, 1761 (4550 francs). In the Louvre, Paris, 1902 catalogue, No. 2629 ; it was there in 1816 (when the experts valued it at 480) and in 1842 (when Sm. valued it at 800). 758. A CAVALRY FIGHT. A grey horse in the centre. In the collection of E. de Rothschild, Paris. 759. CAVALRY ATTACKING A COLUMN OF IN- FANTRY. Sm. 336 and Suppl. 138; M. 24. Under the walls of a castle, part of which is seen on the right, infantry are fighting with a detachment of cavalry for the command of a ford. The cavalry with a blue banner in front are attacking. In the foreground are fugitives among them a priest with a cross, a chalice, and other ritual objects, and a woman with a child. Behind them a peasant with a knife and a basket as shield is rushing at the enemy. His wife and child try to restrain him. On the left, peasants in ambush in a ruined house are firing. In the distance are trees and a burning windmill. This is a lively but un- attractive battle-piece. " A production of the highest excellence " (Sm.). [Compare 745.] Signed on the right at foot with the full monogram ; canvas, 22 inches by 31 inches. Engraved by Moyreau, No. 24, in 1737, under the inept title of "Guerre des Huguenots sous Charles IX. en I 562." In the Crozat collection, Paris, 1737, from which the similar Dresden picture, 745, also came. In the Hermitage Palace, St. Petersburg, 1901 catalogue, No. 1019; it was there in 1842 (Sm., who valued it at 525). 760. A Cavalry Fight between Poles and Swedes. Some Swedish troopers defend themselves against the attack of a detachment of Polish cavalry. In the centre a Swedish ensign overpowers an enemy who threatens him with a hammer and tries to wrench away his banner.