Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/534

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5 i8 PHILIPS WOUWERMAN SECT. the help of a comrade, pulls a woman up beside him. Farther back are two prisoners with their arms bound. In the distance is a burning wind- mill. " This skilful work of art was painted in the master's middle time " (Sm.). Panel, 21 inches by 28 inches. In the collection of Baron J. G. Verstolk yan Soelen, The Hague, 1842 (Sm.) ; the collection was bought as a whole, 1 842, by Thomas Baring, H. B. Mildmay, and Lord Overstone. Given by T. Baring in exchange to Sm., 1847 ; sold by Sm. to Gillott. Sale. Grant, London, 1881 (283 : ios., Lesser). Sna. Soldiers looting. A group of four troopers halt in the open, and listen to the complaints of a peasant couple whose cattle are being driven off by a troop of horsemen. Canvas, 13 inches by i6J inches. Sale. Anrep-Elmpt, Cologne, June 5, 1893, No. 1 08. 8 nb. Soldiers with Prisoners. 19 inches by 28 inches. Sale. Duke of Cambridge, London, June n, 1904, No. 38. 8iif. Soldiers plundering a Village. [Pendant to 779^] 12 inches by 15 inches. Sale. T. Stattcr, London, June 19, 1905 (No. 154). 812. CAVALRY ARRIVING WITH PRISONERS. Sm. Suppl. 227. A troop of cavalry bring prisoners before the walls of a fortress on the right ; some are on foot, marching before or behind a man on a grey horse with two flags ; others, wounded, are in a waggon. In the distance is a river landscape. Signed on the right at foot with the full monogram ; panel, 17^ inches by 1 6 inches. In the chief Kassel inventory of 1749, No. 48; in the 1783 inventory, No. 65. In the Louvre, 1806-15. In the Picture Gallery, Kassel, 1903 catalogue, No. 353 (old No. 326). 813. SOLDIERS HALTING, WITH A CAPTIVE PEASANT. In the foreground halt three cavalry officers. Two, mounted, are seen in a three-quarter view from the front. The third has dismounted from his piebald horse, which stands on the right behind him in profile to the left ; he turns to the left where a soldier brings in a peasant prisoner. To the left, nearer the front, a horseman is seen from the back. On the right soldiers sit playing cards ; others are seen indis- tinctly behind them, near a wood on the right. In the left middle distance a horseman in profile to the right halts on a hill-top, and is seen in relief against the sky. This picture is hung so high as to be almost invisible. Panel, 14 inches by 19 inches. In the Louvre, Paris, 1902 catalogue, No. 2632.