Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/540

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524 FrilLm> WUUW1LKMAIN SECT. the hill. In the extreme left foreground two troopers water their horses at a stream. " This capital picture, which is painted in the artist's second manner, is singularly rich in the display of that noble animal the horse, which is exhibited in every variety of action ; it is also of the choicest beauty for its excellent finishing " (Sm.). [Possibly identical with 33 and with 1162.] Canvas, 32 inches by 41 inches. Sales. J. Caudri, Amsterdam, September 6, 1809, No. 84 (2225 florins, Spaan). H. Muilman, Amsterdam, April 12, 1813, No. 184. In the collection of Alexander Baring, The Grange, 1829 (Sm., who valued it at 630). 8290. Soldiers, Horse and Foot. They converse in the fore- ground of a landscape. Canvas, 19 inches by 2i inches. Sale. W. J. Schellinck and others, Rotterdam, April 24, 1834, No. 76 (200 florins, Jonckers). 830. An Army defiling through a Hilly Country. Sm. 466 and Suppl. 223. In the right foreground is a cart with two horses, on one of which the driver sits sideways ; a woman sits on the baggage. Beside the cart is a mounted officer and a soldier on foot ; a beggar with a wooden leg is at the horses' heads. At the side are some troopers forming the advance guard of an army which defiles across the picture, crossing a river on the left and winding round a distant hill. Panel, about 12 inches by 18 inches. Sales. Marquis de Marialva, Paris, 1824 (1500 francs). Pizzetta, London, April 15, 1825(^81:18$., Hume who soon after sold it for .262 : ios.). Pennell, London, 1835 (87:33.). 831. The March of an Army. Sm. Suppl. n. A bare open landscape divided obliquely by a river valley. Among troops in the fore- ground an officer on a piebald horse speaks to a halberdier standing at the horse's head. Towards the centre are a woman with a child on her back and a man with a gun. In the centre is a cart with a cask of liquor ; a sutler is serving drink to a woman, a boy, and a trumpeter. A man, his wife, and a child rest on the ground near them. A body of cavalry comes down a hill in the middle distance ; beyond them, a large force with artillery and waggons ascends a hill. " An admirable work in the master's second manner." [The description and size agree with 821, but the pictures cannot be identical.] Panel, 14 inches by 18 inches. Sale. Earl of Liverpool, London, March 29, 1829 (189, Sm.). In the collection of David Bevan, London, 1842 (Sm.). 8310. A Cavalry Detachment Officers in red fur-trimmed uniform. 25 inches by 19 inches. Sale. Montcalm, London, 1849 G M 5 : IOS ->