Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/557

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vm PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 541 holding a lance in his left hand and raising a glass in his right to drink to the trumpeter. In front of him to the left the sutler's girl stands with her back to the spectator. Behind him to the right is a soldier. In the left-hand corner is a beggar, hat in hand. A cavalier rides from the left middle distance, where the camp lies. [Pendant to 674.] Panel, 13^ inches by 15 inches. Mentioned by Ch. Blanc, Le Tresor de la Curiosite, i. 114-15. Engraved by Moyreau, No. 75, as "La Buvette des Cavaliers." Sale. Peilhon, Paris, May 16, 1763 (1900 francs, with pendant). 876. Soldiers at a Sutler's Booth. Sm. 73 ; M. 68. Before a tent on the left are soldiers and four horses. A fine prancing piebald is held by a soldier with his back to the spectator. Behind him a mounted trumpeter, also seen from the back, sounds a call. Farther back, between the two horses, is a lady on horseback. On the right a girl stands between a soldier on a dark horse and a dismounted man. In front four soldiers gamble on a drum. [Pendant to 821 itself also a pendant to 194.] Panel, 13^ inches by 18 inches* Mentioned by Ch. Blanc, Le Tresor de la Curiosite, i. 149. Engraved by Moyreau, No. 68, as " Recreation Militaire." Sale. Gaignat, Paris, December 1768 (4600 francs, with pendant). 876^. A Camp. With horses and riders. i6J inches by 20^ inches. In the collection of J. Bisschop, Rotterdam, 1752 (Hoet, ii. 549) ; this was bought as a whole by the Hopes, 1771. 876^. At a Sutler's Booth. The booth fills the right side. A soldier embraces a girl. Opposite the tent a woman stands conversing with two other soldiers. A horseman drains a beer-jug. A boy holds a horse's bridle. A soldier lies asleep with his head on a basket. Farther away three soldiers are playing at dice. Two dogs are near them. To the left are more tents, waggons, and horses. Panel, 20 inches by 28 inches. Sale. Van Schorel, Antwerp, June 7, 1774, No. 83. 876*:. At a Sutler's Booth. At the entrance to a tent on the left are two horsemen. One on a grey horse drinks. The other has a woman mounted behind him. To the right are men and women round a fire. [Pendant to 407.] Panel, n inches by 15 inches. Mentioned by Ch. Blanc, Le Tresor de la Curiosite, ii. 43. Sale. Due de la Valliere, Paris, February 21, 1781 (4101 francs, with pendant). 876^. At a Sutler's Booth. In front are two horsemen, one of them on a grey horse. A third man on foot embraces a girl. In front is a big dog. [Compare 886.J Signed, P. W. ; panel, 20 inches by 27 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, July 4, 1785, No. 9 (27 florins, Martins).