Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/567

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vin PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 551 are a woman and a child on horseback, and an officer on a grey horse. A beggar holds out his hat. On a hill in the middle distance are tents with flags. Signed on the right at foot with the monogram ; panel, 14 inches by i6| inches. Sale. A. de Ganay and others, Paris, April 16, 1907, No. 65. 897*. A Camp Scene. With horses and figures. Panel, ic inches by 14 inches. Sale. G. H. Tod-Heady and others, London, June 17, 1907, No. 44. 897^. Horsemen at a Sutler's Booth. In front of a tent a trumpeter gives the signal for departure. A cavalier takes leave of a girl who has brought him drink. Near them a beggar holds out his hat. On the left is a broad sheet of water. An ensign tells his comrades who are playing cards to start. A red flag hangs over a tent. Sales. Fritz Gerstel, Berlin, January 31, 1908, No. 184. Three Cavaliers halting at a Sutler's Booth. Sm. 392. A trumpeter has dismounted and drinks from a jug. Behind him sits a woman with a child on her lap. In front of him is a cavalier, hat in hand, on a prancing horse. A third cavalier raises his musket to his shoulder as if taking aim. In front a little boy is teaching a bird to come at his call. Engraved by Bouttats, and described by Sm. from the print. 899. Two Cavaliers halting at a Sutler's Booth. Sm. 498. One man sits on his horse in profile and drinks from a jug. His comrade, dismounted, stands beside his horse while a boy adjusts the stirrup. A woman holding a jug leans on a barrel close to the first horse's head. Engraved by De Wit, and described by Sm. from the print. 900. Two Cavalry Soldiers at a Sutler's Booth. Sm. 499. On the right is the booth. In the centre foreground a soldier sits on his horse in profile to the right and drinks from a jug ; a woman holds his bridle. His comrade, dismounted, stands to the left beside his horse, which, like the man, is seen from the back. Near him is a dog. Another dog lies at the feet of the woman. Near her two soldiers sit on a tree- trunk to the right. At the entrance to the tent are two other figures. In the left background are four troopers, seen from the back ; to the right of them foot-soldiers fire a cannon. Engraved by De Wit, and described by Sm. from the print. 901. TWO VEDETTES ON THE WATCH. One of them speaks to peasants lying at the roadside. To the left a river flows through a plain ; in the middle distance is a bridge, over which a man is walking. In the centre of the sky is a dark cloud. Panel, 12 inches by 14^ inches. Bequeathed by the late John Henderson, 1876. In the National Gallery, London, 1906 catalogue, No. 1060.