Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/569

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vin PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 553 on his knees ; behind him another on crutches goes away. "Painted in the artist's second manner " (Sm.). Panel, 14 inches by 16 inches. Mentioned by Waagen (ii. 18). Exhibited at the British Institution, London, 1826-27. Sales. Lebrun, Paris, 1773 (1960 francs). Jan Gildemeester Jansz, Amsterdam, June 11, 1800, No. 269 (1450 florins, Telling). Pauwels, Brussels, 1814. In the Royal collection, Buckingham Palace, London, No. 166 ; it was in the Royal collection, 1829 (Sm.). 906. ROBBERS ATTACKING BAGGAGE - WAGGONS. Sm. 408 and Suppl. 190. In a gloomy landscape robbers attack travellers whose waggons are crossing a ford. Dead and wounded lie on the ground ; fugitives are being fired on. In the right foreground a woman kneels before a robber who holds her to him with his left hand and draws his sword with his right. To the left a robber strikes a man lying on his back. Almost in the centre two horsemen, on a bay and a grey, are fighting with swords. Men are firing from a travelling waggon ; one of two tilt-waggons is overturned and the dead horse lies beside it. On the road to the left, on the farther bank, are other waggons and men running away with horsemen in pursuit. In the middle distance is a ruined tower with miserable huts to the left and trees and bushes to the right. The distant hills are veiled in a thick grey mist ; dark rolling clouds fill the sky. "Painted in the artist's first manner" (Sm.). Canvas, 24! inches by 42^ inches. In the collection of the Emperor Charles VI. In the Vienna Riding School, 1728. In the Imperial Picture Gallery, Vienna, 1907 catalogue, No. 1349. 907. ROBBERS ATTACKING TRAVELLERS. Sm. 409. In a barren landscape robbers on horseback and on foot attack travellers. The road leads to the left down a little hill between a cliff and a clump of withered trees standing near the centre. In the foreground, in a hollow near a cascade, a two-wheeled cart in which a crying woman sits has been stopped. The driver whips up the horse. A robber on a grey horse fires at the travellers. Another robber on a dun horse takes aim at a man who tries to lead off a laden grey horse. A horseman waving his sword gallops forward. To the left between the trees and the cliff are other figures on the top of the road. A very early picture. Panel, 15^ inches by 22 inches. In the collection of the Archduke Leopold Wilhelm. In the Imperial Picture Gallery, Vienna, 1907 catalogue, No. 1350 ; it was there in 1829 (Sm.). 908. ROBBERS ATTACKING A POST-CHAISE. Sm. 502. Robbers on horseback and on foot attack a post-chaise which comes down the side of a hill from the right. In the centre foreground a robber in red on a grey horse, seen from the back, fires at the postilion,