Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/572

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55 6 PHILIPS WOUWERMAN SECT. qiid. An Attack of Robbers. Travellers in a waggon defend themselves against robbers, one of whom holds the horses, while another .is wounded in the head. Other travellers gallop away at the back. Srf/<?._ Saint Remy, Paris, April 26, 1870, No. 1 80. 91 1*. Robbers attacking Peasants on the Way to Market. [Possibly identical with 91 if.] Canvas, 26 inches by 32 inches. Exhibited in the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1871, No. 340. In the collection of the Earl of Dudley, 1871, but not in the London sale of June 25, 1892. 9 1 if. An Attack of Robbers. An early work. Signed ; panel, 15^ inches by 21 inches. Sale. A. Pacher Ritter von Eggentorfs, Vienna, December 14, 1870, No. 20. QIIF. The Attack. In a ravine a number of robbers are binding i a: captives and carrying them oft. Signed ; canvas, 21 inches by 25 inches. Sale. St. Remy zur Biesen and others, Cologne, December 9, 1892, No. 211. 911/1. Robbers attacking Travellers. 13! inches by i8i inches. In the possession of the London dealer Larkin, 1892 catalogue, No. 53. 91 1/. Horsemen attacking Travellers. Panel, 13^ inches by 18 inches. Sales. Lord Leigh and others, London, March 25, 1899, No. 118. Britten Slee and others, London, March 23, 1901, No. 65. Osmarton and others, London, March 22, 1902, No. 126. 912. ROBBERS ATTACKING TRAVELLERS. Very brown in tone ; the grey horse is not very prominent. A fine picture. In the possession of the London dealers T. Lawrie and Co., 1903, No. 1 1. 912*7. The Attack. In a hollow with a few trees is a group of three horsemen. Two men whom they have attacked beg for mercy. Other men lie dead. Signed to the left on a drum with the monogram ; panel, 22^ inches by i8| inches. Sale. Jos. Metz and Jos. Montag, Cologne, December 19, 1904, No. 8 1. 912^. An Attack on Travellers. Panel, 13^ by 17 inches. Sale. Vera Koudachefr and others, London, December i, 1906, No. 36. 913. An Attack on a Convoy. Sm. 377. A hilly landscape with water in the left foreground. On the hill-top cavalry attack a convoy