Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/574

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55 8 PHILIPS WOUWERMAN SECT. Behind them is a horseman in right profile. In the centre, near a leafless tree, is another group of six figures. Amongst them are a woman with a child on horseback and a black gypsy woman telling a man his fortune. In front and farther left a boy stands on his head. In the distance is a landscape with a town. The catalogue says that this is perhaps a school piece. " Painted in the artist's first manner " (Sm.). Signed on the left at foot with the full monogram, though the W is now illegible ; panel, 25 inches by 24 inches. S a l e , H. Rottermondt, Amsterdam, July 18, 1786, No. 373 (995 florins, Leutscher). In the Zweibriicken Gallery. In the Aeltere Pinakothek, Munich, 1904 catalogue, No. 511 ; it was there in 1829 (Sm., who valued it at 920. GYPSIES AND TRAVELLERS NEAR A GROTTO. 1 8 inches by 15 inches. In the Dutuit collection, Rouen. In the Petit Palais des Beaux-Arts, Paris, Dutuit bequest, 1907 catalogue, No. 940. 921. GYPSIES. With other figures at the edge of a sheet of water. In the collection of Baron Gustave de Rothschild, Paris. 922. A GYPSY ENCAMPMENT. Sm. 431. To the left, under a canvas fastened on a tree- trunk, is a gypsy family consisting mostly of women and children. One woman reads the hand of a peasant who has dismounted from a brown-spotted grey horse and holds it by the bridle. Behind him a peasant on a bay horse faces the spectator. To the right is a coach drawn by four fine greys. The coachman sits on the box ; a lady looks out of the door at a gypsy child running alongside to beg. On the road to the right, near the coach, is a man with a hawk. In front of the horses is a gypsy girl begging. In the distance to the right are a shepherd with his sheep and a villa in a park. [Pendant to 764.] Signed to the left at foot with the full monogram ; panel, 14 inches by 1 6 inches. Engraved in the Musce Napoleon. Restored by the Louvre in 1815. A good copy of the picture is No. 1131 in the Schwerin Museum ; a second attributed to "Matthaeus Weyer," that is, Matthaeus Scheits was in the Hausmann collection, Hanover, and is now in the Hanover Provincial Museum, 1905 catalogue, No. 598. In the Schwerin Museum, 1882 catalogue, No. 1129. <)22a. A Gypsy Encampment. Sm. 88 and 484. A party of ladies and gentlemen ride past. In front is a piece of water ; boys are bathing and a dog drinks. Near them is a boat. To the left is a beggar with a wooden leg. Panel, ~] inches by 15 inches. Sale. Samuel van Huls, The Hague, September 3, 1737 (Hoet, i. 478), No. 22 (550 florins).