Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/576

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560 PHILIPS WOUWERMAN SECT. Panel, 15 inches by 13^ inches or the reverse. Sale. Amsterdam, October 6, 1809, No. 71. 924*?. A Hawking Party in a Gypsy Encampment. To the right gypsies cook at a fire. Others tell the fortunes of horsemen who have dismounted. A lady on horseback waits near a fountain. Panel, 13^ inches by 15 inches. Sales. Van Mael, Antwerp, April 20, 1818, No. i (200 florins, Maes). Gypsies. Sale. John Webb, London, 1821 (136, Peile). 924^. The Woman Fortune-Teller. In a wooded dune landscape a falconer stands beside his grey horse having his hand read. Near him is a groom. Sale. D. G. van den Burgh van Kronenburg, Loenen, September 6, 1824, No. 34 (59 florins, Beelaerts). 925. Travellers halting, with Gypsies. Sm. 456. -In the fore- ground of a landscape a grey horse and a bay horse stand together. Their riders a woman with a child and a man rest on the right ; the man is asleep. At the woman's feet is a dog. In the left middle distance gypsies surround a horseman. Panel, 9^ inches by 12 inches. In the possession of the London dealers Woodburn, 1829 (Sm.). 926. Travellers halting, with Gypsies. Sm. 304. A high rocky hill. On the right gypsies are grouped round a fire. In the centre fore- ground are a horseman and a lady in yellow who has her fortune told. "A dark picture" (Sm.). Panel, about 15 inches by 12 inches. In the collection of Edward Gray, Harringay House, near London, 1829 (Sm.) ; the collection was sold in 1839. 927. The Fortune-Teller. Sm. Suppl. 134. To the right, under a pile of ruins adjoining a rock, is a lofty arched cave. At the entrance eight gypsies grouped round a fire watch the roasting of a fowl. Near them are a gentleman and a lady in yellow silk, who has her fortune told. Farther back is a cavalier on a bay horse. On the left are other figures on the side and top of a steep hill. "This beautiful picture has the charm of a clear sky added to the richest hues of colouring" (Sm.). [Possibly identical with 924^.] Panel, 14 inches by 15^ inches. Sale. Bourgeois, Paris, 1840 (7000 francs). 928. A Halt of Travelling Merchants and Gypsies. Sm. Suppl. 249. A cave or passage through a mountain to the open country. In the cave to the left are two horses, a grey in profile and another lying down. Beyond these four persons unload a waggon. On the right four gypsies, one of them with an infant, are grouped round a fire over which hangs a cauldron. Farther back a gypsy tells a traveller his fortune ; the