Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/583

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vm PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 567 945. TWO HORSES AND A HAY- WAIN. With two other horses in front of an inn. To the left are a couple jesting. To the right is the hostess. [Compare 957^.] A large picture. In the collection of Baron Alphonse de Rothschild, Paris. 946. REAPERS TAKING THEIR MIDDAY REST. Sm. Suppl. 63. Three reapers are resting in the fields. One, seated on the ground, raises a large earthenware jug. Another lies near a loaf which is cut in halves. Behind them sits a woman with a child in her arms. A third reaper stands holding a scythe. To the left stands a bay horse, near a grey horse which is lying down. In the middle distance are reapers at work. In the distance is a village. Cloudy sky with a gleam of sun- shine. The picture has suffered greatly, but would gain much by careful restoration. Signed on the left at foot with the full monogram ; canvas, i inches by 1 6 inches. In the collection of Count Briihl. In the Hermitage Palace, St. Petersburg, 1901 catalogue, No. 1041 ; it was there in 1842 (Sm., who valued it at 200). 947. HARVEST -TIME. To the right beyond water is a field in which labourers are reaping rye and binding the sheaves. A two- horsed waggon laden with sheaves goes off to the right. On the left a road leads into the distance ; on it are a horseman and some people on foot. A horse grazes at the roadside. In the distance are a farm, a village and church, and, beyond, moderately high hills. Blue sky with clouds. Signed on the right at foot with the monogram ; canvas, 16 inches by 23 inches. Sale. P. Locquet, Amsterdam, September 22, 1783, No. 423 (400 florins, Fouquet). Presented by the Emperor Nicholas I. to the Academy in 1832. In the Academy of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, 1874 catalogue, No. 499. 948. RESTING AT HAY-HARVEST. Sm. 521. In front are two old horses. The nearer, a piebald, is in profile to the left ; a man stands behind it. The other horse stands to the right and is seen from the back. In the left centre sit two women, one of whom bends down to a child standing at her knees. A man stands leaning on a stick in front of them. To the right and farther back is a loaded hay-wain, only half of which is visible. Two children are on the top of it ; one has a bird in a snare ; a boy standing in front of the wain stretches out his hands to get it. "A good example of the master" (Sm.). Panel, 15 inches by 13 inches. A copy was in the collection of Count Suminsky, Tharandt ; sold in 1906. In the collection of Prince Eugene, Munich, 1829 (Sm., who valued it at 262 : ios.). In the Leuchtenberg collection, St. Petersburg, No. 162.