Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/586

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57 o PHILIPS WOUWERMAN SECT. Canvas, 12 inches by 14 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, December 5, 1785, No. 112 (60 florins, Yver). 955. Corn-Harvest. In front labourers are bringing in the corn. Near them is a laden waggon with two horses. To the left are a horse grazing, figures, and a horseman. Canvas, loj inches by 22 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, July 13, 1790, No. 125 (290 florins, Van der Schley). 956. Hay-Harvest. In the left foreground, in front of a cottage amidst trees, a woman sits with a sleeping child on her lap ; a child plays with a dog. Farther away is a man near a barrow full of grass from which a bay horse is feeding, while another horse grazes. The horses have been unharnessed from a hay-cart which one man unloads while another stacks the hay. On the right a man with a beer-jug crosses a wooden bridge over a stream. Beyond are rustics at work or resting. Panel, 12^ inches by 15 inches. Sale. J. Rendorp, Amsterdam, July 9, 1794, No. 67 (355 florins, Coders). 957. A Hay- Wain. In a fine landscape men are loading a hay-wain drawn by a white horse and a grey horse. In front are two women and a child near a man. 14 inches by 15 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, September 7, 1803, No. 206 (255 florins). 957#. Hay-Harvest. In the foreground of a fine landscape country men and women are resting. Near them are two horses and a hay-cart. Farther back is a river with hills in the distance. [Compare 945. Possibly identical with 954.] Canvas, 14 inches by 16 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, September 7, 1803, No. 208 (61 florins). 958. Hay-Harvest. On a grassy hill is a loaded hay-wain. Near it are two horses and a dog, two women conversing with a man, and other figures. Panel, 15 inches by 14 inches. Sale. Engelberts, Amsterdam, August 25, 1817, No. 113 (251 florins, Gruyter). 959. Carrying the Hay. In front of a farm stands a waggon with two grey horses. A man lifts the hay on his fork up to a woman on the rick. Near the waggon two children are playing. A man wheels out a barrow full of dung. In the farmyard a dappled-grey horse drinks from a pail. A cavalier in yellow with a plumed hat, on a bay horse, pays the landlord, who stands hat in hand. Another horse is eating hay. A groom is about to bridle two horses. Hens, a saddle on the ground, and other accessories. Panel, 9^ inches by 12 inches. In the collection of the Duke of Brunswick until 1795. Sale. De Burtin, Brussels, July 21, 1819.