Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/618

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602 PHILIPS WOUWERMAN SECT. 1048. A DUNE LANDSCAPE. With a horseman. This picture dates from the beginning of the mature period and is almost without figures. A fine sky in a fresh green tone. Panel, io| inches by 14^ inches. Exhibited at Berlin, 1906, No. 156. In the collection of Franz von Mendelssohn, Berlin. 1049. LANDSCAPE. The foreground in half-shadow contrasts finely with the bright middle distance. An early work. Mentioned by Waagen (iii. 195). In the collection of the Marquess of Lansdowne, Bowood. 1050. LANDSCAPE. A horseman on a hill greets two persons standing at the roadside. To the left are three dogs. Signed on the left with the early monogram ; canvas. In the Ashley collection, Broadlands. 1051. A LANDSCAPE WITH FISHERMEN AND HORSEMEN. Sm. 157. Through a sandy and hilly landscape a little river winds its way ; it is crossed in the centre by a foot-bridge. In front two fishermen draw in their nets. On the farther bank a rider waters his grey horse and two boys are angling. Behind them is a hill with a tree on it. Near it two horsemen and a man on foot with two dogs running in front come along the road leading down the hill to the river. In the extreme left of the foreground a woman sits by the road- side ; two children are playing ; behind them is a leafless tree on a sand- hill. In the background is a pigeon-cote fixed on two poles ; farther away are two cottages. An early work recalling the style of Wijnants. Signed on the left at foot with the monogram ; panel, 14^ inches by 19^ inches. Engraved by Beaumont as " La Pe"che " ; said by Bllrger to have been also engraved by Moyreau and Le Bas. In the collection of Julienne, Paris. Sales. Poullain, Paris, March 15, 1780, No. 57 (3580 francs). Comte de Vaudreuil, Paris, November 24, 1784, No. 48 (3500 francs, Dulac). In the collection of the Due d'Arenberg, Brussels, W. BQrger's 1859 catalogue, No. 72 ; it was there in 1829 (Sm.). 1052. LANDSCAPE WITH SMALL FIGURES. In a bare hilly landscape a horseman approaches. A peasant sits on a bank. Other figures. Of the early period. Signed with the monogram ; panel, 6 inches by 9 inches. In the collection of the Due d'Arenberg, Brussels, W. Burger's 1859 catalogue, No. 73. 1053. LANDSCAPE. With a hill. Various figures. There is no prominent white horse, but only a little grey one. On the right is a clump of heavy trees, under which is a house with a gabled roof. This is entirely in the manner of Wijnants. It is of the early period in spite of the full monogram. It is very well preserved.