Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/627

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vin PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 611 1089. Landscape with a Peasant on a Grey Horse. A peasant with a red cap, riding a grey horse, halts on the road to converse with a woman reclining at the roadside. The picture has been much damaged and restored. Signed with the early monogram; panel, 15 inches by 13 inches. Mentioned by O. Granberg, Les Collections Privies de la Suede (1886), p. 243, No. 422. In the LOwenhjelm, Ridderstolpe, and Netzel collections. In the Schagerstrom collection, Stockholm. 1090. A SMALL LANDSCAPE WITH HORSEMEN. Described by Parthey (ii. 810) as a coast scene. In the collection of Count Czernin von Chudenitz, Vienna. 1091. Landscape. With a high road, figures, and castle. An early work. Mentioned by Waagen (ii. 433). In the Royal collection, Windsor Castle. 1091*7. A Small Landscape. Sale (supplementary). Johannes Wybrants, Amsterdam, December 26, 1672 (60 florins, with a small landscape by an unnamed painter) communicated by A. Bredius. 1091^. A Landscape with two Horses. Sale (supplementary). Johannes Wybrants, Amsterdam, December 26, 1672 (48 florins) communicated by A. Bredius. 1 09 ic. A Fine Landscape. Sale. Amsterdam, September 22, 1694 (Hoet, i. 19), No. 19 (51 florins). 1091^. A Small Landscape. Sale. Amsterdam, September 22, 1694 (Hoet, i. 21), No. 8 1 (3 florins). 1 09 if. A Small Landscape. Sale. Amsterdam, May 9, 1696 (Hoet, i. 32), No. 14 (15 florins). 1091/1 Landscape. Uncertain by which Wouwerman. Sale. Cornelis Dusart, Haarlem, August 21, 1708, No. 80. 1091^. A Dune Landscape. With a horseman and other accessories. Sale. Cornelis van Dijck, The Hague, May 10, 1713 (Hoet, i. 162), No. 32 (80 florins). 1091/1 to k. Four Pictures: Landscapes. With figures and horses. Sale. Amsterdam, July ii, 1714 (Hoet, i. 176), No. 13 (52 florins). logi/. A Dune Landscape. With small figures. Sale. Amsterdam, May 6, 1716 (Hoet, i. 194), No. 15 (39 florins).