Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/647

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viii PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 631 horseman and two men on foot. In the middle distance a plank is thrown across the stream. In the left foreground is a monk. An early work, broad and sketchy in style. Panel, io| inches by 9 inches. This is probably identical with Sm. 129 ; Sm. does not say where the picture was to be found. In the Suermondt collection, Aachen, 1874. In the Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin, 1904 catalogue, No. 900 D. 1133. THE WOODEN BRIDGE OVER THE FROZEN STREAM. A frozen canal runs from the front to the back. A little boy is sledging, while a little girl on the right looks on. On the left, farther back, a man holding a pole stands at the edge of a great hole in the ice. On the left a man climbs the bank. Farther back a wooden bridge over the canal leads to a cottage with a leafless tree in front. On the left are two men, one carrying a bundle of brushwood on his head. On the right a figure comes up some wooden steps. A boat is frozen in the ice. To the left is a fine sunlit cloud ; sunlight falls also on the snow-covered cottage. A work of the middle period. Panel, 1 1 inches by 14 inches. In the collection of Prince Demidoff, San Donato. In the collection of the late Rodolphe Kann, Paris ; bought as a whole by the London dealers Duveen Brothers, August 1907. In the Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin. 1134. SPORTS ON THE ICE. On a frozen canal in front of a town many persons are sledging or skating. On the right a lady in furs with a black mask probably worn for the sake of warmth is in a sleigh drawn by a grey horse. A gentleman attending a lady, meets her and salutes her. In front of an inn to the left are four persons in a sledge. A man is attending to the horse's near hind-hoof. In the immediate fore- ground are two golfers, and children with sledges. To the left, behind a tent in the middle distance, carts cross the stone bridge. Signed on the left at foot with the full monogram ; panel, 19 inches by 25! inches. In the ZweibrUcken Gallery. In the Aeltere Pinakothek, Munich, 1904 catalogue, No. 505. 1135. A WINTER LANDSCAPE. On a frozen canal in the left foreground is a laden sledge drawn by a horse, seen from the back in a three-quarter view. To the left a man kneels to fasten on his skates ; the sledge-driver watches him. On the right a little boy pulls his little sister along on a sledge. Farther back an old lady drives to the right in a well-appointed sledge drawn by a richly harnessed horse. The driver in a handsome livery stands at the back ; a dog runs in front. In the distance to the right across the canal are a sledge and some skaters. In the centre is a thatched cottage. In the left middle distance a sledge comes along on the high bank. In the collection of Ritter Gottfried von Preyer, Vienna. In the collection of Senator Clark, New York.