Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/65

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vii AELBERT CUYP 49 a ribbon. Behind her are ruins and a hilly landscape. The girl is still in the style of the elder Cuyp. Panel, i6 inches by 13^ inches. Exhibited at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, 1882, No. 72. Exhibited at the Dutch Exhibition, Whitechapel Art Gallery, 1904, No. 293, by Lewis Fry. In the collection of Lewis Fry, Clifton, Bristol. 146. A LITTLE GIRL WITH A GOAT. She wears a red frock with a blue petticoat, and is feeding a goat with apples. On the right lies a sheep. On the left are tall trees. To the right is a view over the country, with cows, and a town in the far distance. The child's face seems to have been over-cleaned. But the whole effect is very good; the longer one studies the picture, the better one likes it. Signed "A. CUYP" ; canvas, 46^ inches by 61 inches. Exhibited at Copenhagen, 1891, No. 37. In the collection of Consul H. Konow, Copenhagen. 147. Portrait of a Girl aged about Six. She stands almost facing the spectator. She wears a dark green dress slashed and trimmed with yellow, a white lace apron, collar and cap, and holds a rose. She has blue eyes and brown hair. Behind her is a chair with a red leather seat and back, near a dark curtain. Panel, 35 inches by 32 inches. Exhibited at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, 1903, No. 84. In the collection of the Earl of Northbrook, London, 1889 catalogue, No. 43. 148. PORTRAIT OF A LITTLE GIRL. Full-length. She is dressed in red, like a shepherdess. She sits at the foot of a tree in a landscape. In the right foreground lies a sheep ; at the back are three other sheep and two cows. Signed on the tree, A. Cuijp ; panel, 30 inches by 40 inches. Exhibited at DUsseldorf, 1886, No. 67. Sales. Andringa de Kempenaer and others, Amsterdam, May 1 6, 1877, No. 6. Freiherr Eduard von Niesewand of Muhlheim, London, June 9, 1886, No. 46. In the possession of the Paris dealer F. Kleinberger. 148*7. A Girl with a Pot of Linseed-Cakes. Half-length. Panel, 15 inches by n| inches. Sale. J. van der Linden van Slingeland, Dordrecht, August 22, 1785, No. 106 (50 florins, with No. 106*, "A Man carrying Fish," Fouquet). 148^. Portrait of a Girl. She is playing with a dog that stands on a table covered with a cloth. By Cuyp or in his manner. Canvas, 1 8 inches by 14 inches. Sale. Dr. Luchtmans, Rotterdam, April 20, 1816, No. 33 (5 florins 50). VOL. II E