Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/659

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vin PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 643 1165^. A Picture. Sale. Philip Cosson, Amsterdam, March 18, 1729 (Hoet, i. 331), No. 3 (60 florins). 1165*. A Pendant to 653 ("A Hunting Party Reposing"). 15 inches by 17 inches. Sale. Adriaan Bout, The Hague, August 11, 1733 (Hoet, i. 394), No. 125 (225 florins). A Picture. Sale. Adriaan Bout, The Hague, August n, 1733 (Hoet, i. 394), No. 126 (300 florins). 1165^. A Very Fine Picture. u| inches by 10^ inches. Sale. Marinus de Jeude, The Hague, April 18, 1735 (Hoet, i. 433), No. 32 (25 florins). 1 1 65 h. A Comprehensive and Very Fine Picture. Sale. Amsterdam, August 17, 1735 (Hoet, i. 442), No. 2 (230 florins). 1165;. A Picture. 12^ inches by 8| inches. Sale. Richard Pickfatt, Rotterdam, April 12, 1736 (Hoet, i. 472), No. 100 (50 florins). 11657. A Picture. 13! inches by 13 inches. Sa(e. Richard Pickfatt, Rotterdam, April 12, 1736 (Hoet, i. 472), No. 101 (10 florins 10). 1165^. A Small Picture of Slight Importance. Very probably identical with one of the other pictures named as from this collection. Mentioned by Ch. Blanc, Le Tresor de la Curiosite, i. I. Sale. Comtesse de Verrue, Paris, March 27, 1737, No. 5. i 11657. A Picture. [Pendant to 87.] Mentioned by Ch. Blanc, Le Tresor de la Curiosite, i. 12. Sale (supplementary). Comtesse de Verrue, Paris, April 9, 1737, No. 20 (3775 francs, with pendant). 1 165^2. A Copy. Painted by Wouwerman. Mentioned by Ch. Blanc, Le Tresor de la Curiosite, i. 4. Sale. Comtesse de Verrue, Paris, March 27, 1737, No. 38 (120 francs). 1165;*. A Picture. 15 inches by 19^ inches. Sale. M. van Hoeken and Th. Hartsoeker, The Hague, May I, 1742 (Hoet, ii. 57), No. 39 (32 florins).