Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/77

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vii AELBERT CUYP 61 175. COWS AND A HORSEMAN 6Y THE RIVER- SIDE NEAR NYMWEGEN. Sm. 181. Parallel to the lower edge of the picture is a narrow strip of land, the bank of the Waal which flows away into the distance. On an eminence to the right is the town of Nymwegen with its castle, houses, and walls on the riverside. To the left are a vessel with three men, and other boats. On the farther shore extends a bare plain, seen under the beautiful and tender grey sky of a summer morning. In the foreground are two men of rank on horseback, facing right, a herdsman, a woman, and five cows which are watering in the river. Canvas, about 40 inches by 58 inches. Mentioned by Waagen (Suppl. 333) and by W. Btlrger, Tresors d y Art en Angleterre, p. 268. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857, No. 710. In the collection of the Duke of Bedford, Woburn Abbey, No. 367 ; it was there in 1834 (Sm.). View of Nymwegen. Sale. Sir G. Colebrooke, London, April 22, 1774 (j34 : IOs -> Chauncy). 175^. View of Nymwegen. Sale. H. R. Rigby, London, January 9, 1789 (262 : ios.). 176. THE RUINS OF THE CASTLE OF UBBERGEN, NEAR NYMWEGEN, WITH HORSEMEN AND CATTLE (or, Ruined Castle in a Lake). Sm. 118. An old ruined castle with round towers at the corners stands in a lake. In the distance behind it is a lofty hill, with trees growing down to the water's edge on the left. On the road beside the lake, beyond and to the right of the castle, are a lady and gentleman, a cow lying down, and two cows standing up. In the right foreground, on the edge of the lake, is a rider on a black horse, with his back to the spectator ; he converses with a shepherd, who stands to the left, also with his back to the spectator. His five sheep are resting near him. Both figures stand out dark against the clear water. It is evening. " This little picture, although simple in its composition, possesses every charm for which the master is so justly admired" (Sm.). A sketch for the picture is in the Albertina ; it bears the name of the castle, which is not far from Nymwegen. Panel, 12 J inches by 21 inches. Mentioned by Waagen (i. 409), and by C. Blanc, Le Tr'esor de la Curiosite, " 331- Exhibited at the British Institution, 1821. Bought at Hoorn from an old clothes dealer (for fifteen pence, according to Sm.). Sales. De Preuil, Paris, 1811 (6000 francs). Lapeyriere, Paris, April 14, 1817 (8000 francs). Imported into England by La Fontaine. Sale. La Fontaine, London, 1822 (462, bought in). In the collection of Sir Robert Peel, Bart., 1834 ; he bought it from La Fontaine (for about 367 : ios., Sm.).