Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/89

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vii AELBERT CUYP 73 Signed ; panel, i6| inches by 2i inches. Exhibited at Brussels, 1882, No. 42. In the collection of Count Bloudoff, St. Petersburg. 222. A HERD OF COWS WITH HERDSMEN. Six cows are on a pasture sloping to the right. One cow, grazing in the middle, is seen in three-quarter view from the right. The others fill the right half of the picture. In the foreground a dark-spotted cow lies in profile to the left ; behind her, another faces right. The other three stand at the back in profile to the left. To the right of these the herdsman converses with a woman ; she has her back to the spectator, and carries two pails on a yoke. In the left middle distance is a flat landscape. Panel, 17^ inches by 24 inches. Sale. London, July 25, 1907 (99 : 155., Huggins). In the possession of the London dealers Dowdeswell. In the collection of John G. Johnson, Philadelphia. 223. LANDSCAPE WITH CATTLE. A yellow cow and two brown cows lie in a pasture. Behind them stands a black cow, turning towards the herdsman who stands to the right near a cow hill. In the left distance is a village with a broad tower. Signed indistinctly in the left-hand bottom corner ; panel, 15 inches by i8| inches. Sales. King Maximilian of Bavaria, Munich, December 5, 1826, No. 47. In the collection of Baron Johann von Pouthon, Vienna. In the Rudolphinum, Prague, 1889 catalogue, 196. 224. Two Herdsmen with Cows. Three cows are in the fore- ground, and others on a mound to the right. To the left is a view over a plain, at sunset. The attribution is not quite certain. Panel, 23 inches by 28^ inches. Exhibited at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1902, No. 136. In the collection of Sir F. Cook, Bart., Richmond. 225. Landscape with Cattle. In the collection of J. Diaz Carneiro, Rio de Janeiro ; purchased in that city (E. Michel, Gazette des Beaux-Arts, August 1907, p. 149). 226. Cows under Trees near Water. In the collection of the late Baron Ferdinand von Rothschild, Waddesdon Manor. 227. A HERD OF COWS IN A PASTURE BY A RIVER- BANK. Sm. 207. A herd of seven cows six are lying down on the bank of a river which fills part of the foreground. In the distance is an old square tower; a few sailing- boats are on the river. A fine evening after rain. Panel, 28 inches by 35 inches. Mentioned by Parthey (i. 721).