Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/116

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96 FRANS HALS SECT. Sales. Carl Schoeffer, Amsterdam, May 30, 1893, No. 457. Alfred Boreel and others, Amsterdam, June 15, 1908, No. 653 (bought for the Amsterdam Print Room). In the Amsterdam Print Room. The picture was in the sale : The widow Merkman, born I. van Leeu- waarden, Haarlem, September 21, 1773, No. 5. 332*7. Head of a Man with a Cap. Sale. J. van der Marck, Amsterdam, November 29, 1773, No. 2252. 332^. Portrait of a Man with a Hat and a White Ruff. Panel. In the Palace, Potsdam, 1773 ; No. 23 in the room next to the great marble hall ; No. 148 in the inventory. 333. A Half-Nude Man recumbent. He holds a mussel in his right hand. 25! inches by 22 inches. Sale. Hendrik Houtcamp, Alkmaar, March 19, 1776, No. 63. 333#. Portrait of a Man. Very loosely painted. Panel, 25^ inches by 21 inches. Sale. The Hague, May 14, 1776, No. 36 (2 florins 60, Carre"). 333/>. Head of a Man in profile. He has a flat collar. [Pendant to 403^. ] Panel, 14 inches by 1 1 inches. Sale. Van der Land, Amsterdam, May 22, 1776, No. 30 (28 florins 10, Van der Schley). 333*:. Portrait of a Man seated. He leans with his arm on a book. Canvas, 18 inches by 14 inches. Sale. Huybert Ketelaar, Amsterdam, June 19, 1776, No. 75. 334. An Oratorian. Finely painted and good in colour. Panel, I2| inches by 9 inches. Sale. The Jesuit House, Antwerp, May 20, 1777, No. 73. 334<7. A Man with a Broad-Brimmed Black Hat. Engraved by Bock in the Glume Gallery, 1777. 334^. Head of a Youth. Boldly painted. Canvas, io| inches by 8 inches. Sale. J. Christiaanze, Amsterdam, November 17, 1779, No. 49 (i florin, J. Yver). 334^. An Old Man seated. He leans his right arm on the arm of his chair. Very finely painted. Sale. Johan Engelman, Haarlem, July 16, 1782, No. 13.