Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/121

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ix FRANS HALS 101 345</. Portrait of a Dignified Man. Vigorous and broad in style. [Pendant to 400,7.] Canvas, 42^ inches by 31^ inches. Sales. De Beehr and Van Leeuwen, Amsterdam, November 14, 1825, No. 38 (52 florins, with pendant, Hodges). C. H. Hodges and others, Amsterdam, February 27, 1838, No. 39. 345*. Portrait of a Dignified Man. In old Dutch dress. Panel, 14 inches by 12 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, October 29, 1838, No. 69 (40 florins, Hulswit). 345/ Portrait of a Man. He wears a collar, and has one hand at his breast. [Pendant to 409^.] Canvas, 25^ inches by 19 inches. In the Van Gerstel collection. Sale. Amsterdam, April 27, 1840, No. 28 (23 florins, Thijssen). 345- Portrait of a Man. Half-length. Panel, 25 inches by 19 inches. Exhibited at Cologne, 1840, No. 71. Then in the collection of Franz Zanoli. 345/1. Portrait of a Man. Half-length. He has a black hat. Panel, 26 inches by 20 inches. Exhibited at Cologne, 1840, No. 129. Then in the collection of J. B. Boden. 345/. Portrait of a Man. Broadly painted. Panel, 2o| inches by 17^ inches. Sale. J. A^Topfer, Amsterdam, November 16, 1841, No. 132 (i florin, Van der Sluys). 3457. Portrait of a Dignified Man. [Pendant to 4097.] Canvas, 47 inches by 34 inches. Sale. P. de Leeuw and P. Barbiers, Amsterdam, July n, 1843, No. 41. 345^. Portrait of a Man. Canvas, 13^ inches by i8 inches, or more probably the reverse. Sale. P. de Leeuw and P. Barbiers, Amsterdam, July II, 1843, No. 1 66. 345/. Portrait of a Dignified Man. A fine and masterly painting. Panel, 14 inches by 12 inches. Sale. F. van der Breggen, Amsterdam, April 10, 1843, No. 35 (12 florins, De Lelie). 345. Portrait of a Man. A masterly painting. Canvas, 32^ inches by 28 inches. Sale. (Supplementary) P. M. Kesler, C. Apostool, and others, Amsterdam, May 13, 1844, No. 207 (i florin 50, Roos). 346. Portrait of a Man. Half-length. He wears a black silk