Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/142

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122 FRANS HALS SECT. horizontally. She wears a tight broad collar with narrow pleats, linen wristbands of the same kind, and a white cap. [Compare 397.] Canvas, 39^ inches by 32 inches. In the Pcr-ignon collection. In the UrzaYs gallery. Sales. Isaac Pereire, Paris, March 6, 1872, No. 121 (21,000 francs). G. Rothan, Paris, March 29, 1890, No. 49 (38,000 francs). 423/7. Portrait of a Lady. With a white ruff and cap. [Possibly a pendant to 362/7.] Panel, 27! inches by 2i| inches. Salt. Balthasar Schmidt, Berlin, June 20, 1891, No. 9. 424. Portrait of a Young Lady. Half-length. She is turned three-quarters right. She holds an embroidered handkerchief in her right hand. She wears a lace-trimmed cap and a black velvet dress with a broad ruff. Signed in the left centre with the monogram, and inscribed on the right at top, "aetatis suae 36 anno 1621 " ; panel, 20 inches by 22 inches. Sale. Cremer and others, Cologne, January 20, 1892, No. 105. 425. Portrait of a Young Dutchwoman standing. Seen to the hips. She is in black, with a white cap and a broad ruff. Her right hand, adorned with a ring, is at her breast. A red curtain hangs at the back. Signed on the left with the monogram, partly obliterated ; canvas, 34 inches by 26 inches. Sale. L. von Lilienthal and others, Cologne, December 21, 1893, No. 264. 425*7. Study of the Head of an Old Woman. She is turned three-quarters right, and her head is bent forward. She wears a dark costume. 9 inches by 6 inches. Sale. Wedewer, Cologne, May I, 1899, No. 99. 425^. Portrait of a Lady. Seen to the hips. [Pendant to 364^.] Oval canvas, 34 inches by 28 inches. Sale. Th. Auerbach, Frankfort-on-Main, April 23, 1907, No. 35. 426. An Elderly Woman. She is seated in an arm-chair. She wears a black figured dress, with a white cap and a ruff. She holds a handkerchief in her left hand, and rests the right hand on a table on which lies a small prayer-book. Dated, "A 1630," according to the Hacker sale catalogue; canvas, 34 inches by 27^ inches. Sales. Dornberg and others, Frankfort-on-Main, December 7, 1897, No. 49. Hacker, Frankfort-on-Main, April 26, 1907, No. 140. 426*. A Portrait. Mentioned in the inventory of Fra^ois Tartarolis, Leyden, 1656 noted by A. Bredius.