Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/159

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x ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE i 45 (12) Conjurors, 42 if. (13) Wandering musician in a village, 422-45 i*. (14) Woman reading the news in a village, 452. (B) Domestic scenes, 453-507. (1) Peasant family in a cottage, 453-499*2. (2) Peasant family in a courtyard or outside a cottage, some of them at work, 500-507. (C) Refreshment or recreation, 508-869^. (1) Inside an inn, 508-777. (a) Three peasants and a woman, 508-516. (b) Peasants at music [see also B. 4 (C)J, 517-532. (f) Wandering musician in an inn, 533-540^. (d) Dancing in an inn ; a wedding, 541-556. (<r) Peasants carousing, very drunk (mostly early works), 557-606*7. (/) Quarrel or fight in an inn, 607-619. (g) Peasants in an inn or interior, companies, and interiors not fully described, 620-777. (2) Outside an inn, 778-815. (a) Peasants reposing, 778-792. (<) Dancing, fair, wedding, 793-815. (3) Peasants playing games, partly inside and partly outside an inn, 816-869^. (a) Backgammon and draughts, 816-832. (b) Cards, 833-854. (c) Skittles, bowls, ball, 855-866*. (d) Various, not fully described, 867-869^. 6. Various genre-pieces, 869^-873^. V. PORTRAITS, 873<--9o6z. 1. Self-portraits, 873^-875/7. 2. Of persons identified, 875^-877. 3. Of persons unidentified, 878-9062. (a) Families, 878-879. (b) Single figures, often studies, 880-900. (1) Man, 880-892*. (2) Woman, 893-900. (<) Studies of heads, like portraits, 900^-906^. (1) Man, 900/7-904^. (2) Woman, 905-906. (3) Child, 906^-906^. (</) Portraits, the sex not stated, go6f-<)o6z. VI. LANDSCAPES, 907-915(7'. 1. Spring, summer, autumn, 907-9 ^d. 2. Winter, 913^-915^. 3. Moonlight, 915^. VII. STILL-LIFE, 916-919*. VIII. ANIMALS, 91 9^-92 1*. IX. PICTURES DESCRIBED IMPERFECTLY OR NOT AT ALL, 92 2-92 3/7. VOL. Ill L