Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/170

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156 ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE SECT. 46/>. A Peasant with a Jug looking out of a Window. 17^ inches by 23 inches. Sale. W. Coole, Rotterdam, August 6, 1782, No. 54. 46*:. A Man at a Window. He holds in his right hand a paper which seems to amuse him, and in his left hand his spectacles. Above the window are vine-tendrils. [Possibly identical with 42. Compare also 47. Pendant to 46^.] Panel, io| inches by 9^ inches. Sale. The Dowager Boreel, Amsterdam, September 23, 1814, No. 13 (305 florins, Van Yyperen). 46^. An Old Man leaning on a Half-Door. He holds a pipe in his right hand. A vine grows over a little arched coping above the door. [Pendant to 46^. Compare 48.] Panel, io inches by 9! inches. Sale. The Dowager Boreel, Amsterdam, September 23, 1814, No. 14 (510 florins, Van Yperen). 46;. A Peasant leaning on a Half-Door. Panel, 12 inches by 9 inches. Sale. J. C. Pruyssenaar, Amsterdam, December 27, 1814, No. 44. 46/1 A Peasant leaning out of a Window. He holds a beer- jug and a pipe. II inches by 9 inches. Sale. H. Hoogers, Nymwegen, June 7, 1816, No. 83. 47. A Man at a Window. Sm. 162. He holds a paper in one hand and his spectacles in the other. [Pendant to 48. Compare 42 and 46^.] Panel, 12 inches by 9 inches. Sale. Le Rouge, Paris, April 27, 1818 (1005 francs). 48. A Peasant at a Window. Sm. 161. He wears a violet doublet and a black hat, and leans on the sill, holding a pipe. [Pendant to 47. Compare 46^.] Panel, 12 inches by 9 inches. Sales. Le Rouge, Paris, April 27, 1818 (1650 francs). Comte Pourtales, London, 1826 (.21). 48*7. A Peasant reclining at a Window. Behind him are two boys. Especially thorough and natural. Copper. Sale. P. A. de Genestet and others, Amsterdam, August 23, 1831, No. 99 (2 florins 50). 49. A Peasant at a Window. Sm. Suppl. 4. He wears a drab felt hat and a dark-grey jacket with yellow sleeves, and leans on the sill, holding a pipe. A vine grows over the window. " Painted in a broad spirited manner " (Sm.). [Compare 35.] Panel, io| inches by 9 inches. Sale. Brentano, Amsterdam, 1832 (29 : 8s., Norton) according to Sm.