Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/181

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x ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE 167 Panel, n inches by 8| inches. Sales. Hirst and others, London, March 31, 1900, No. 87. Scott and others, London, June 25, 1900, No. 73. 82. A Physician in his Study. He sits in a chair facing the spectator, and examines a urine- flask which he holds in his left hand. He wears a dark costume with a small ruff, a cloak over his left shoulder, and a hat. He has a moustache and a beard. To his left is a table with a cloth, on which, besides a label and a box, lies open in the front corner a large folio with pictures of birds and plants. Behind it are other books. A three-leaved screen is placed towards the right background, where, through an open door, a crucible and other things are seen in an adjoining room. On the screen to the left hangs a little map or landscape. A cloth is thrown over the middle of it. Engraved in mezzotint by J. Stolker. 83. A MAN READING THE NEWS. Three-quarter-length. An old man in a brown jacket and dark cap reads a news-sheet which he holds in both hands. Panel, io| inches by 9 inches. In the Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck, 1899 catalogue, No. 613. 84. AN OLD MAN READING BY CANDLELIGHT.- The candle is hidden by the book. This was painted entirely under the influence of Rembrandt's early pictures, such as "The Gold-Weigher," at Berlin. The cloak is brownish-purple ; the coloured neckcloth and the cap and other details also recall Rembrandt. Signed in full on the right at foot, in the shadow of the book, and dated 1632 or 1633 (the figures are partly hidden by the frame); panel, 1 1 inches by I o inches. Exhibited in the Rembrandt Exhibition, Leyden, 1906, No. 29 ; and by the Amsterdam dealers, Fred. Muller and Co., 1907, No. 23. In the collection of the Countess Jouvencel, Passy, Paris. In the collection of P. Cloix, Montigny sur Loing. 85. THE READER (or, Reading). Half-length. A man sits reading a paper which he holds in both hands. He is in black with yellow sleeves, and wears a black hat. Other papers lie on a table to the right. A dull and late picture. Panel, 4 inches by 6 inches. In the La Caze collection, Paris. In the Louvre, Paris, 1903 catalogue, No. 2504. 86. THE NEWS-SHEET. Signed, A. v. Ostade 16 ; panel, 9! inches by 8 inches. In the Dutuit collection, Rouen. In the Petit Palais des Beaux Arts, Paris, 1907 catalogue, No. 920. 87. A MAN READING THE NEWS. In the collection of M. Flersheim, Paris.