Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/183

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ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE 169 qoh. A Man reading a Letter. [Pendant to 79*.] Panel, loj inches by 8| inches. Sales. Bandeville, Paris, December 3, 1787 (1455 francs, with pendant). Destouches, Paris, March 24, 1794. . A Peasant reading. A masterly painting. Sale. P. Quinting, Dordrecht, July 23, 1810, No. GG. 90;. A Man reading the News. [Pendant to ioo,/] Panel, 7 inches by 6 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, July 13, 1812, No. 94 (190 florins, with pendant, Boulboule). goj. A Peasant reading a Letter. Panel, 9 inches by 6 inches. Sale. B. Ocke, Leyden, April 21, 1817, No. 156 (ll florins, Brondgeest). 9O/. A Scholar. He sits in an arm-chair at a table, holding a letter. Panel, 1 1 inches by 6 inches. Sale. H. Croese, Amsterdam, May 27, 1818, No. 41 (130 florins, Brond- geest). go/. A Man reading some Placards. Sm. 169. He stands reading some bills stuck up on a house. He holds up his spectacles in his left hand. Near the house is a wooden bench with a plate on it. In the distance are small figures. "A picture of very good quality" (Sm.). Panel, 5 inches by 4 inches. Sales. Robert de Saint Victor, Paris, November 26, 1822 (850 francs). Comte Pourtales, London, 1826 (47 : 5s.). 91. A Scholar writing in his Study. The table is covered with books. He holds in his left hand a letter, over which he is thinking. Panel, u inches by 8 inches. Sales. Luchtmans, Rotterdam, April 20, 1816, No. 114 (50 florins). H. Reydon and others, Amsterdam, April 5, 1827, No. 116 (70 florins, Brondgeest). 91*. A Man reading a Letter. Half-length. He looks pleased. Panel, 8| inches by 7^ inches. Sale. J. B. van Lanker, Antwerp, 1835, No. 77 (70 florins, Van Praet). . An Old Man reading a Letter. He wears a hat. Panel. Sale. Leyden, July 21, 1841, No. 67. qibb. A Peasant reading at a Table. Half-length. He looks up. On the table before him is a beer-glass, and at the side is his pipe. Through the open window is seen a vine. Signed, and dated 1683 ; panel, 8| inches by 7 inches. In the collection of Edmund Higginson, Saltmarsh Castle, 1842 catalogue, No. 6.