Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/212

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198 ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE SECT, Panel, 8 inches by 6 inches. Sale. B. de Bosch, Amsterdam, March 10, 1817, No. 18. iSSc. A Peasant seated, holding a Pipe. Panel, 7 inches by 6 inches. Sale. L. B. Coders, Amsterdam, April 19, 1819, No. 71 (i 6 florins, Van Eyk). i88*/. The Smoker. A peasant is filling his pipe. He wears a lilac jacket, under a sleeveless brown vest, and an apron. He sits at a round table, on which are a charcoal pan and a jug of beer. Panel, 4! inches by inches. Sale. De Burtin, Brussels, July 21, 1819, No. 117. 1 88*. The Smoker. He sits leaning one hand on his chair and holding a pipe in the other. Panel, 9^ inches by 7! inches. Sale. J. Roelofs, Amsterdam, March 8, 1824, No. 120 (8 1 florins). i88/ A Peasant filling his Pipe. Octagonal panel. Sale. Widow of Johan Ph. de Monte, Rotterdam, July 4, 1825, No. no (24 florins 5, Lamme). 1 8 8^. A Man holding a Pipe in his Right Hand. Canvas. Sale. Amsterdam, December 3, 1827, No. 42 (14 florins 5, Arends). 188/1. A Peasant smoking by Candle-light. Panel. Sale. Amsterdam, August 2, 1830, No. 63 (u florins 50, Campen). i88/. An Old Man holding a Pipe. Sale. Parks, Brussels, May 4, 1835, No. 219. 189. A Smoker. Sm. Suppl. 73. A peasant, wearing a tall hat and a reddish-brown coat, sits resting his right hand on the back of his chair and holding a pipe in the other. Panel, 8 inches by 6| inches. Sale. Thomas Hardman of Manchester, London, 1839 (^29, C. R. Beaver). 190. The Smoker. A man is seated in full face before a grey wall. He has thrust his left hand into the breast of his coat ; he holds a pipe in his right hand. Panel, 9 inches by 7 inches. Sales. Meffre the elder, Paris, February 25, 1845, No. 67. Baron de Varange, Paris, May 26, 1852, No. 30 (580 francs). Baron de , Paris, April 25, 1857, No. 9 (1500 francs). 191. A Peasant filling his Pipe. Sm. 176. He sits at a table. He wears a purplish doublet and a grey cloak. [Pendant to 229.]