Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/223

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x ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE 209 Signed on the window with the monogram ; panel, 6| inches by 5 inches. Mentioned by Waagen, ii. 183. Exhibited in the British Institution, London, 1838. Sales. Michael Zachary, London, 1838 (42, Robert Vernon). Robert Vernon, London, 1849 (31 : IDS., P. Norton). In the collection of J. H. Munro of Novar. Sale. Prince Demidoff, San Donato, near Florence, March 15, 1880, No. 1053- In the collection of Baron Alphonse de Rothschild, Paris. 224. A PEASANT WOMAN DRINKING. Three-quarter- length. She sits on a chair, slightly inclined towards the right. She holds up a goblet full of wine in her left hand, and grasps the handle of a white earthenware jug in her right hand, which rests on the arm of the chair. Her face is turned to the spectator. She wears a close-fitting white cap and a grey dress. To the right of her is a tub. It was formerly ascribed to A. Brouwer, but is an early work by Ostade. [Pendant to H7-] Traces of a signature seem to occur below the left hand on a hoop of the tub ; panel, 7 inches by 6 inches. In the Schwerin Museum, 1882 catalogue, No. 759. 225. An Old Woman with a Jug. Half-length. She faces half- right. She wears a black bodice with brown sleeves and white collar and cap. She holds to her bosom with both hands a green enamelled jug, and laughs with open mouth at the spectator. The background is stupidly repainted. If the picture is genuine, it has been completely over-cleaned, and is of the late period. But its authenticity is dubious. The panel is old, but raises suspicions. [Very probably identical with 230/1 Pendant to 89.] Signed in full on the left ; panel, 6 inches by 5^ inches. Sale. Chevalier de la Roque, Paris, 1745, No. 38. In the collection of King Adolphus Frederick, and in that of King Gustavus III. of Sweden. In the Stockholm National Museum, 1900 catalogue, No. 548. 225*. A Girl with a Beer-Glass. Sale. Jonas Witsen, Amsterdam, March 23, 1717 (Hoet, i. 207), No. 31 (26 florins). 225^. A Peasant Woman drinking. Sale. Izaak Hoogenberg, Amsterdam, April 10, 1743 (Hoet, ii. 83), No. 30 (40 florins, with i8q/J Mauritius). 225^. A Woman with a Jug. [Pendant to 148 h.] Sale. Sara van Banchem, widow of Daniel van Alphen, Leyden, November 17, 1750, No. 3 (72 florins, with pendant). 226. A Woman seated. Her left hand rests on a table ; in her right hand she holds a pewter pot. [Pendant to 153.] Panel, 5^ inches by 6 inches. VOL. Ill P