Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/243

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x ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE 229 291. The Proposal. Supposed portraits of the painter and his wife. A small picture. In the collection of the late George Salting, London ; bequeathed to the national collections, 1909. 292. A MAN KISSING A WOMAN IN AN INTERIOR. The man, who is standing, tries to kiss an old woman who is seated. Behind them is a man smoking. The picture is attributed at the Louvre to Isack van Ostade, but is an early work of Adriaen, though of little importance. [Compare 354.] Oval panel, 4 inches by 5 inches. In the La Caze collection, Paris. In the Louvre, Paris, La Caze bequest, 1903 catalogue, No. 2514. 292*7. A Woman and a Man. Sale. Amsterdam, April 9, 1687 (Hoet, i. 7), No. 28 (45 florins). 292^. A Man and Woman. Sale. Amsterdam, November 5, 1704, No. 45. 292^. Two Lovers. Sale. Jan de Wale, Amsterdam, May 12, 1706 (Hoet, i. 93), No. 12 (93 florins). 292^. A Peasant singing and a Woman. Sale. J. W. Sandra, Middelburg, August 3, 1713 (Hoet, ii. 366), No. 5 (i florin). 292*. A Peasant and a Woman. Sale. Jonas Witsen, Amsterdam, March 23, 1717 (Hoet, i. 206), No. 30 (37 florins). 2927: A Peasant and a Woman. Sale. Jonas Witsen, Amsterdam, March 23, 1717 (Hoet, i. 207), No. 33 (37 florins). 292^. Two Lovers. Sale. Jan de Gise, Bonn, August 30, 1742, No. 165. 292/1. A Peasant and a Woman. Sale. The Hague, April 8, 1744 (Terw. 40), No 21 (32 florins). 2()2hh. An Old Woman and a Man. Sa/e. Widow E. Drakenborch, Utrecht, November 12, 1748, No. 32. 292*'. A Man smoking and a Woman drinking. [Pendant to 679*.] 12 inches by 9 inches. S tf &._Willem Fabricius, Haarlem, August 19, 1749 (Hoet, ii. 264), No. 4 (305 florins). 292;. Peasant Lovers. In the collection of the Count van Wassenaar, 1752 (Hoet, ii. 401).