Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/247

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x ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE 233 utensils, a peasant woman sits looking into a jug held in her left hand. Behind her is a man in ragged clothes. Panel, 7^ inches by 9^ inches. Sale. A. Baehner, Cologne, September 30, 1889, No. 95. 303^. A Woman baking Cakes and a Peasant. In a poorly furnished room an old woman sits at the fireside baking cakes. Behind her a peasant stands eating a cake. Panel, 7-^ inches by 10 inches. Sale. A. Baehner, Cologne, September 30, 1889, No. 89. 303*:. A Man and Woman. In the centre of the lofty room of a cottage a peasant with a jug and glass sits on a low stool, drinking to a woman who has a child leaning on her lap. In the left foreground is a dog asleep. Hot sunlight from the window to the left illumines the group. On the floor are various utensils. Signed to the left at foot, Ostade ; panel, 8 inches by 12 inches. Sale. Freiherr von der Ropp, Cologne, November n, 1890, No. 67. 304. A Man and Woman. In a rustic interior they sit at a table with jugs before them. Of the early period. The picture produced a not unfavourable impression whether it be authentic or not. 10 inches by 13 inches. Sale. Verschuer and others, Amsterdam, November 26, 1901, No. 422 (730 florins, Valck). 3040. The Duet. I2| inches by 9^ inches. Sale. L. H. Hicks and others, London, December 20, 1905, No. 122. 305. A Peasant smoking and a Woman eating. In a rustic interior. Panel, 7^ inches by 10 inches. Sale. Hoogendijk and others, Amsterdam, April 28, 1908, No. 357. 306. A Couple carousing. Sm. 226. Three-quarter-length. An old woman with a cap on her disordered hair sits facing left at a table in a room. She holds a wine-glass in her left hand, and with the right hand pushes back the jug from which a man standing beside her offers to fill her glass j he holds the jug in his right hand and points at the glass with his left. The man wears a flat cap. On the table before them are a pipe and a charcoal pan. Called " Het Zoute Scholletje." [Compare 292^, apparently the original of this print, 297, and 300.] Described from a print by J. Suyderhoef (Wussin, 118). 306/2. The Tender Conversation. Engraved in mezzotint by J. Gole. 306^. The Yawning Couple. Engraved in mezzotint by Richard Houston.