Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/251

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x ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE 237 Sale. A. W. C. Baron Nagell van Ampsen, The Hague, September 5, 1851, No. 45 (1000 florins, Chaplin). 318. The Hour of Rest in the Arbour. A man sits on a cane chair in the centre, facing the spectator. He wears a brown cap, a blue vest, and yellow breeches. He has just taken his pipe from his mouth, and looks with a contented air at the glass of beer which a woman standing at the inn-door pours out for him. She wears a grey dress with red sleeves, an apron, a white cap, and a kerchief round her neck. On the threshold behind her a little girl bends forward curiously. To the left another man, pipe in hand, sits on a stool with his back to the spectator. On the right a broom stands against the wall. Signed in full ; panel, 16 inches by 14 inches. Mentioned by Paul Eudel, V Hotel Drouot en 1882, p. 249. Sales. Baron de Beurnonville, Paris, May 9, 1881, No. 404 (12,000 francs). Febvre, Paris, April 30, 1882 (1900 francs, Kolbach). 319. Three Peasants at Music in an Inn. In the centre fore- ground a man in a light-red jacket and dark-brown hat faces left ; he leans with his left elbow on an empty cask and holds a paper in his left hand. His mouth is open. To the left, beside the cask, a man in a green jacket and black hat sits on an upturned basket with a board across it, playing the violin. An open music-book lies on the cask before him. On the right stands a third man, in a blue vest and green felt hat, who is seen almost in profile. In his left hand, which hangs down, he holds a jug ; with his right hand he raises a glass to his lips. In the right background is the hearth, with clothes hanging on a line near it. On the left, farther back, a paper is nailed up. The picture does not altogether accord with A. van Ostade's style, and differs from it especially in colour. The peasants have very red noses which are not seen elsewhere in Ostade's pictures and the pink jacket of the man in the centre is unusual. For the rest, how- ever, the picture reminds one strongly of Ostade. On a white patch in the centre is a signature of which the letters "a. den " may be deciphered with difficulty, and these may perhaps be regarded as part of the name " Ostaden " (?) ; panel, 1 5 inches by 1 3 inches. In the Brunswick Gallery, 1900 catalogue, No. 302 ; from Reinicke's foundation. 320. THREE PEASANTS AT MUSIC (or, The Trio). Sm. Suppl. 38. Half-length. In front of an open house-door overgrown with vine are three peasants. On a table to the left are an earthenware jug, a pipe, and a tobacco-box. A peasant playing the violin sits to the right of the table in a three-quarter view seen from the back. To the left of the table another man sings from a music-book. The third man, standing farther back between the two others, plays the flute. Panel, 1 1 inches by 8^ inches. Mentioned by Paul Eudel, L' Hotel Drouot en 1881, p. 255. Engraved as " Le Trio Flamand." Sales. Etienne Le Roy of Brussels, Paris, April 18, 1842. Tardieu, Paris, May 9, 1843.