Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/254

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240 ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE SECT. 328. THREE PEASANTS ROUND A CASK. The man seated on the left holds a beer-glass in his right hand. Another man seated on the right lights his pipe. Behind them stands a third man, who blows out a cloud of smoke. On the right and farther back is a boy. Signed in full on a bench to the left ; circular panel, 8 inches across. In the collection of Count Fries, Vienna. In the collection of Jules Forges, Paris. In the possession of the Paris dealer F. Kleinberger. 329. Three Peasants in an Interior. Two peasants sit at a three-legged stool, on which are a bottle of wine, playing-cards, and a clay pipe. One man pours out a glass from a pewter pot. A third man stands behind them, looking on. At the back is a window. Panel, n inches by 10 inches. In the possession of the Paris dealer F. Kleinberger. 330. A FIDDLER WITH TWO MEN LISTENING. The fiddler sits on a chair to the left, tuning his instrument. He wears a cloak and a cap. An open music-book lies on a stool before him. Behind it sits another peasant, leaning his head on his right hand, and smiling at the fiddler. A third man, bending slightly forward, stands behind the others. A genuine early work in a yellowish-brown tone, with a little green only in the clothes. [Pendant to 345.] Signed in full ; circular panel, 9 inches across. Sales. (Probably) The Hague, March 31, 1770, No. 22 (45 florins 10, with pendant, A. Terwesten). Raedt van Oldenbarnevelt of The Hague, Amsterdam, November 6, 1900, No. 101 (1200 florins, Fred. Muller). In the collection of John G. Johnson, Philadelphia. 330*7. Three Figures, including a Musician. Sale. Cornelis van Dijck, The Hague, May 10, 1713 (Hoet, i. 160), No. 1 6 (23 florins 10). 330^. A Fine Interior with Three Figures. Sale. Hendrik Schut, Rotterdam, April 8, 1739 (Hoet, i. 574), No. 29 (280 florins). 330*:. A Picture with Three Figures. Sale. Count van Hogendorp, The Hague, July 27, 1751 (Hoet, ii. 304), No. 88 (34 florins). 330^. Three Peasants drinking in an Interior. Panel, 18 inches by 14^ inches. In the collection of A. L. van Heteren, The Hague, 1752 (Hoet, ii. 457). But it was not among the pictures which came from this collection to the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, in 1809 ; unless, indeed, it was identical with 339 (?). 330* and/ An Interior with Three Figures. With a pendant of the same subject. Of the master's very best period. Sale. Jan van der Vinne, Haarlem, May 13, 1754, Nos. 4 and 5.