Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/28

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FRANS HALS SECT. A CLASSIFIED SUMMARY OF THE CONTENTS I. RELIGIOUS SUBJECTS, 1-8. II. ALLEGORICAL COMPOSITIONS, 9-10. III. GENRE-PIECES, 11-1461?. A. Single figures, 11-123. 1. Children, 11-48. a. Children at meals, 11-16. b. Laughing children, 17-26. c. Laughing children with a flute, 27-34. d. Children blowing bubbles, 35-37. e. Children with a dog or cat, 38-39. f. Miscellaneous, 40-48. 2. Men and youths, 49-107^-. a. Fishermen, 49-5 8r. b. Various occupations, 59-62. c. Men eating soup, 62^-62^. d. Topers, 63-80*7. e. Smokers, 80^-80^. f. Musicians, 81-94. g. Fools and mulattos, 95-99/7. h. Merry men, 99^-100. /'. Men in pain, 101-101/7. j. Men with a skull, 102-105. k. Miscellaneous, 106-107^. /. Peasants, undescribed, lojd-iojg. 3. Women and girls, 108-123. <7. Hille Bobbe, 108-109. b. Fishermen, 110-114. r. Miscellaneous, 115-123. B. Several figures, 124-146*. 1. Children, 124-132. 2. Smokers, 133. 3. Card- and backgammon-players, 133/7-133^. 4. Musicians, 134-136*. 5. Rommelpot-players, 99;-, 137-137^. 6. Miscellaneous, 138-145^. 7. Companies, undescribed, 145^-146^. C. Interiors, undescribed, 146^-146*. IV. PORTRAITS, 147-446. A. Single portraits, 147-426/77. I. Persons identified, 147-245. a. Portraits of the painter, 147-148/7?. b. Men and women, in alphabetical order, 149-245.