Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/281

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x ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE 267 41 5^. A Pig's Carcase. On a ladder in an interior. A man sits on a bench in front ; a woman stands by the fire. Panel, 14 inches by 12 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, September 7, 1803, No. 122 (16 florins 50). 415*-. A Pig's Carcase. On a ladder in a butcher's shop. A woman and a child. Panel, 12 J inches by n inches. Sale. Maria Theresia Wittebol and de Labistraeten, Antwerp, June 19, 1804, No. 131 (120 florins). 415^. The Pig's Carcase. In front of a cottage a pig's carcase, which has been cut open, hangs on a ladder. A woman looks, out at the door. A boy sits playing with a bladder. With accessories. [Probably identical with 415*.] 1 8 inches by 15 inches. Sale. Jos. Valette and others, Amsterdam, August 26, 1807, No. 162. 415*. A Pig's Carcase. It hangs on a ladder. Through an opening in the wall is seen a cottage interior. In front a boy with a bladder is on a tub. By Ostade or in his manner. [Probably identical with 415^.] Panel, 18 inches by 14^ inches. Sale. Abraham van Twist and others, Amsterdam, September n, 1822, No. 76. 4157: A Pig's Carcase on a Ladder. Sale. F. N. Netscher, Rotterdam, April 8, 1829, No. in (13 florins 5, D. Ruiter). 416. The Pig's Carcase (or, A Peasant's Family). Sm. 113, and Suppl. 58. In a rustic kitchen, to the right, a pig's carcase hangs on a ladder (Sm. says, however, that the carcase had been painted out and replaced by a piece of beef). A peasant holding a jug converses with an old man who carries a stick. Behind them three children play with the bladder. A woman sits by the fire cleaning the entrails. There are eight figures in all, with a spinning-wheel and other accessories. Signed, and dated 1658 ; copper, 13 inches by 15^ inches. Mentioned by Descamps. In the collection of Nicolaas van Breemen, Amsterdam, 1752 (Hoet, ii. 487). Sales. N. van Breemen, Amsterdam, December 15, 1766, No. 13 (23 florins 10). Dulong, Amsterdam, April 18, 1768, No. 4 (530 florins, Fouquet). Claude Tolozan, Paris, February 23, 1801 (2000 francs). De Sereville, Paris, January 21, 1812 (2910 francs). In the possession of the London dealers Woodburn, 1829 (Sm.). In the collection of Charles Crerie, Manchester, 1842 (Sm.). 4160. A Pig's Carcase. On a ladder. With accessories. 21 inches by 16 inches. Sale. P. Roelfsma and others, Groningen, June 22, 1863, No. 210.