Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/283

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x ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE 269 421. Pig 1 - Killing. In a courtyard a peasant family watch the killing of a pig. Panel, 10 inches by 14 inches. Sale. Van der Oudermeulen and others, Amsterdam, April 11, 1904, No. 992. 42i#. Pig-Killing. In the open air, at night. Similar in composition to the etching by A. van Ostade. Oval. Etched by F. Faber. 42 ib. The Rat-Catcher. Panel, I2| inches by 9^ inches. Sale. (Supplementary) Amsterdam, October 10, 1848, No. 402. 42 1 c. Conjurors at the Fair. On a platform with a curtain at the back, two conjurors are performing, in the midst of a crowd. Behind, to the left, is a wall ; on the right is a view of a cottage and a village church spire. Oval, tall and narrow. Lithographed by Mourot. The original has disappeared. It is doubtful whether the lithograph derives from a genuine work by Ostade. 422. THE HURDY-GURDY PLAYER AT A COTTAGE. At the door of a thatched cottage, out of which a peasant and his wife are looking, stands a hurdy-gurdy player in profile to the left. In front of him to the left are numerous children with a dog. Behind him to the right are a boy and a man seated, almost with his back to the spectator, on an upturned basket. The picture appears to have been damaged. The types are exaggerated, but the tone is fine. A similar but rather smaller picture by the master, dated 1637, is at Cambridge (424). Signed in full in the centre at foot, and dated 1640 ; panel, 17 J inches by 14 inches. In the Reimer collection, Berlin, till 1843, when it was bought for the Museum. In the Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin, 1906 catalogue, No. 855. 423. The Wandering Hurdy-Gurdy Player at a Cottage. He stands in the left centre, facing slightly to the right, and turning the handle of the hurdy-gurdy with his right hand. On the left near him are three children ; one of them, a boy with a basket on his left arm, has his back to the spectator. The main group of listeners is on the right. In front is a bare-headed peasant, with a jug in his left hand ; he sits on an upturned tub in profile to the left. On the right behind him are two peasants seated and one standing ; on the left farther behind him is an old peasant, who sits facing the spectator, and leaning his head on his left hand. Behind him is seen the head of a child. An old woman is at the open door of a cottage adjoining a larger house. Trees in full leaf rise above the houses.