Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/298

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284 ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE SECT. ground by the fire are three men. On the floor in front are a dish of mussels, a spinning-wheel, and other objects. A good picture. [Pen- dant to 397, in the National Gallery.] Signed, and dated 1663 ; panel, 13 inches by 15 inches. Mentioned by Ch. Blanc, Le Tresor de la Curiosite, ii. 225. Exhibited at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1889, No. 131. Sales. La Live de Jully, Paris, March 5, 1770 (4105 francs, with pendant). Dutartre, Paris, March 19, 1804 (7000 francs, Delastre). In the collection of the Marquess of Hertford, 1829 (Sin., who valued it at A 00 )- In the Wallace Collection, London, 1901 catalogue, No. 169. 465. A PEASANT FAMILY AT HOME. In the right fore- ground a countrywoman, with a child on her lap, sits in profile to the left on a low stool. She converses with a man seated on a chair to the left of her ; he rests his right hand on his hip, and leans on the table beside him with his left hand, which grasps a clay pipe. On the right, behind the woman, a peasant seated in profile to the left takes a tall glass from a third man, standing behind the table, who has filled the glass from a jug in the shape of a bearded man. On the right, behind the group, is a cupboard. The light falling on the scene is rendered with fine restraint. Signed in full on the right at foot, and dated 1649 ; panel, 12^ inches by io| inches. Sale. King Maximilian of Bavaria, Munich, December 5, 1826, No. 45. In the private collection of the King of Bavaria. In the Aeltere Pinakothek, Munich, 1904 catalogue, No. 369. 466. A PEASANT FAMILY AT HOME. The mother sits before the fire feeding a child with a spoon. A man stands before her looking on. A small picture of slight importance. Signed in full on the right, and dated 1641 ; panel, 4! inches by 7 inches. Probably identical with the picture mentioned by Parthey (ii. 207, No. 38) as in the Esterhazy collection, Vienna, 1883 of a woman nursing a child in a room. Exhibited at Dttsseldorf, 1886, No. 242. In the collection of Count Esterhazy, Nordkirchen. In the collection of the Due d'Arenberg, Nordkirchen, No. 169. 467. A PEASANT FAMILY AT HOME. The parents and three children at table. In the dark background to the right are three other figures. A good little early picture. Signed in full on a table by the wall, and dated 1637 ; panel, 7^ inches by 9^ inches. Bequeathed to the University by Thomas Penrose, 1851. In the Oxford University Galleries, 1905 catalogue, No. 55. 468. INTERIOR OF A COTTAGE (or, A Peasant and a Woman with a Child in a Large Rustic Interior). Sm. 51, 195,