Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/306

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292 ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE SECT. 490. The Peasant with Children. An old peasant, seated on a low stool, holds between his knees a bowl from which he feeds two children standing in front of him. Behind them is an overturned stool. Panel, 7 inches by 9 inches. Sale. Albert Langen, Munich, June 5, 1899, No. 69. 491. A Peasant Family at Home. On the right, in a barn, an old woman sits at her spinning-wheel, with her husband and two children round her. The boy rides on a broomstick. The girl sits at her mother's feet embracing a dog. Behind the old woman is a woman with a distaff. Panel, 16 inches by 22 inches. Sale. Albert Langen, Munich, June 5, 1899, No. 71. 491^. A Peasant Family cooking Pancakes. Panel. Sale. Viscount Oxenbridge, London, December 9, 1899, No. 96. 492. Interior of a Kitchen, with Peasants. Panel, 14^ inches by 19^ inches. In the collection of Cardinal Fesch. Sales. C. Beckett Denison, London, June 6, 1885. White and others, London, January 19, 1901, No. 38. 492*2. A Kitchen. A cook at the fireside. To the left are cooking utensils. Panel, 18 inches by 24 inches. Sale. R. Kirkman Hodgson, London, February 23, 1907, No. 66. 493. Peasants at Home. Inside a thatched cottage a peasant and his wife warm themselves by the fire on the right. The woman sits facing right ; the man stands behind her. Farther back on the left is a cradle. At the back are a window and open doors admitting the light. In the shadowed foreground are numerous accessories. Traces of a signature remain ; panel, 14 inches by 12 inches. Exhibited at Diisseldorf, 1886, No. 245. Sales. Werner Dahl of DUsseldorf, Amsterdam, October 17, 1905, No. 108 (2550 florins, Williams). Jos. Monchen of the Hague and others, Amsterdam, April 30, 1907, No. 135 (2550 florins). 4930. Peasants at a Repast. Panel. Sale. Sir Charles A. Turner and others, London, March 16, 1908, No. 97 (4 :4s., with "A Toper," Harries). 494. A PEASANT FAMILY AT HOME. A peasant woman with a pot on her knee feeds her little boy. By the hearth are an old peasant with a humpback and a boy warming himself. A good early picture. Panel, 13^ inches by n^ inches. Sale. Hoogendijck of the Hague and others, Amsterdam, April 28, 1908, No. 99.