Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/309

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ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE 295 503^7. A Peasant Family in a Courtyard. In front of a house sits a countrywoman with a child on her lap. Near her stands a peasant, smoking his pipe. Farther away two children are playing. [Possibly identical with 507.] Panel, 8| inches by 12 inches. Sale. J. Viet, Amsterdam, October 12, 1774, No. 354 (16 florins 10, Quinkhart). 504. A Man and Woman at work in the Courtyard of a Cottage. Sm. 107. A low tiled cottage runs from the left to the right background, where it joins a larger house that is parallel to the lower edge of the picture. In the corner thus formed a woman stands on a tub cleaning a pot. A little child stands to the left watching her. On the right, a little behind her, a peasant is at work near a barrow. In the right foreground are a cock and three hens. Small figures. Paper on canvas, io| inches by 14 inches. Lithographed by A. Mouilleron. Sales. Destouches, Paris, March 21, 1794 (1150 francs). Baron Vivant Denon, Paris, May I, 1826, No. 101 (1120 francs). 504*. A Woman with Two Children in front of a Cottage. A peasant converses with her. Canvas, 8 inches by 8^ inches. Sale. B. Beeckman, Rotterdam, June 9, 1828, No. 23 (40 florins, Netscher). 504^. A Peasant Family at their Cottage Door. Panel. Sale. Van Barneveld, Van den Haute, and others, Antwerp, February 26, 1844, No. 134 (10 florins, Verellen). 504^-. A Man cleaning a Haddock and a Woman and Child. Also two boys. In front of a cottage. [Compare 502.] Panel, 16 inches by i2| inches. The details and size agree with those of 502 in the Wallace Collection, but the two pictures can hardly be identical, as 502 was in the collection of the Marquess of Hertford in 1857. Sale. E. B. Rubens and others, Amsterdam, August II, 1857, No. 84. 504^. A Peasant helping a Woman to lift a Pot. Signed in full ; panel, about 12 inches by 16 inches. In the Von Krane-Matena collection, 1863 (Parthey, ii. 207). 505. A Woman cleaning Fish in a Courtyard. Sm. Suppl. 124. In the courtyard of a cottage a woman cleans a fish on a board laid across a tub. Beside her is a pail ; in it is a sieve containing a haddock. The woman looks down at a cat, to which she has thrown a piece of fish. She wears a red dress with yellow sleeves and a white cap ; her dress is pulled up, showing a blue petticoat. On the wall hang domestic utensils. In the background to the right are cottages. Near a fence a little boy speaks to a girl. Not far from them is a dog. Panel, 17 inches by 14 inches.